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1 Message
Hotmail (Outlook) emails are not being revceived by Comcast email recipients
Emails sent from my Hotmail account are not being received by the members of our group with Comcast email addresses. The emails are successfully received by the other members with various email providers.
Accepted Solution
29 Messages
5 years ago
UPDATE: the current problem appears to be no more... please test as your results may differ. It has also been recommended to me to leave these boxes checked so that in the future you will have the option of looking into the SPAM folder for message you should get but didn't because they were erroniously marked as SPAM
There is a work-around but it should not be considered a solution.Check the boxes under advanced settings and you will recieve email from domains hosted on MS servers - this is not just a HOTMAIL issue, all OFFICE 365 domains appear to be affected.
Here is where you will find the settings, Hopefull COMCAST will get this fixed SOON
Accepted Solution
Official Employee
1K Messages
5 years ago
Our engineers were able to see that somehow a majority of microsoft SMTP servers ended up being filtered as spam. A third their emails were being dropped as spam/phishing. Looks like a wave of compromised accounts were sending out phishing/spam to and ended up getting IP blocked. They put a fix in place, but let me know the specific emails you are having issues with in a PM so i can look into it further for you.
29 Messages
5 years ago
As I doubt they will deliver old messages, probably have to delete the SPAM they block daily or more often, it is unlikely you will get messages sent before today but it would be reasonable to expect that new messages sent to you from HOTMAIL, OUTLOOK, and/or LIVE.COM and some other domains will now be delivered to your SPAM folder so keep checking there.
New Poster
1 Message
5 years ago
Thank you for posting this. It helped me get at least a few e-mails, but I know there are others that still haven't come through. Comcast really needs to get this fixed!!
29 Messages
5 years ago
I have spent 3 days, see link below if it works, working my way thru the support chain with little luck. I have a case open with security assurance but have not recieved a call back or email in over a day now. Each time I basically get told in so many words, yep its a problem but over my pay grade or authority to fix. As near as I can tell there must have been a change to spam filtering last week as that is when I became aware valid email messages weren't getting delivered. COVID staffing issues I'm sure are partially to blame but based on searches of the forums it happens all to often across a lot of domains.
Gold Problem Solver
26.3K Messages
5 years ago
My experience with them is that it takes between several days and a few weeks to get a callback, and that was without a nationwide shutdown. Sad to say, it isn't likely to be fixed quickly.
Gold Problem Solver
26.3K Messages
5 years ago
If @ComcastCSAEmail or another employee doesn't reply to your message here, Comcast Security Assurance should be able to help. You can reach them at 1-888-565-4329 (from Note that this is NOT one of the general customer service numbers.
The first-line reps there are sometimes not very helpful, so you may need to be persistent and keep at them until you get a satisfactory answer.
29 Messages
5 years ago
WOW - love the cable - hate the email, tell people that all the time. They really don't do it well and should outsource it.
and having said that here probably now means I probably will never get that call back 🙂
Regular Visitor
2 Messages
5 years ago
How/where to PM you?
Gold Problem Solver
26.3K Messages
5 years ago
Click the @ComcastCSAEmail user ID or icon to reach their Profile page, then "Send a message".
29 Messages
5 years ago
@LightningFC @BruceW @Riita @115151 @ComcastCSAEmail
My testing shows that this issue has been fixed - if you are now getting the emails in your inbox. By default the mail box is set up as shown below. BruceW states that if you return it to the default (by unchecking the box) you will never see any message Comcast believes is SPAM. He recommends that you leave the box checked so that you can always peek into the SPAM if you don't see a message you were expecting.
Thanks BruceW for clearing up how this works - I will leave mine CHECKED.
1 Attachment
29 Messages
5 years ago
Hmmmm - OK I will add that advice - I just recommended that because it was the default when I first looked at it. THANKS
Gold Problem Solver
26.3K Messages
5 years ago
If you do that, then Comcast just deletes anything they consider spam, whether it actually is or not, and you never see the message. Checking "Enable" but clearing "Save a copy" isn't a good idea unless you think Comcast's filtering system is perfect and never erroneously filters non-spam messages. (Hint: it isn't perfect -- no spam filtering system is!).
I would strongly recommend that users either check both boxes, or neither of them (spam emails are delivered to the Inbox if Enable is not checked).
Regular Visitor
5 Messages
4 years ago
4/6/2021: I am having trouble sending / receiving emails to / from my COMCAST.NET email to and from HOTMAIL.COM email. I see others have had the same issues. This has gone on for at least a month and I am at a loss. I am running WINDOWS 10 / Using primarily OUTLOOK to manage my emails. I can't even send an email to myself to the HOTMAIL email. I am using MS Office Professional Plus 2016. When I logon to XFINITY EMAIL (not using Outlook), the emails to HOTMAIL never arrive. They don't land in the spam box. I even set up all my HOTMAIL and COMCAST accounts as safe senders. The message I get is similar to this when sending from COMCAST to HOTMAIL:
From: "System Administrator"
Sender: "System Administrator"
To: "[Edited: "Personal Information"]"
Subject: Undeliverable: Getting emails to my home email account
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2021 08:11:01 -0700
Message-ID: <001501d72af7$0f851e70$2e8f5b50$@Domain>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/ms-tnef;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-Disposition: attachment;
X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook 16.0
Thread-Index: AQMPzp72zbG0Nf829VYHMw7ihLi3ag==
X-OlkEid: 000000001A92A612B9A3B049A28C2869B408505B0700C3B68E10F77511CEB4CD00AA00BBB6E600000000000C000038323D915D7F4549BA955E1E5173285A00000000081E0000F044032CC5DE464895E9FB928DB5AC00
X-MS-TNEF-Correlator: 000000001A92A612B9A3B049A28C2869B408505B0700C3B68E10F77511CEB4CD00AA00BBB6E600000000000C000038323D915D7F4549BA955E1E5173285A00000000081E0000