

4 Messages

Wednesday, February 2nd, 2022 8:59 PM


Error The provided login data to access mail server imap.comcast.net seem to be wrong. Please correct them.

I have been trying to resolve this issue for over a week now. When I log into my email whether on my laptop or phone I get this error message. I had something similar in the past and when contacting xfinity/comcast support, I was taken through steps to fix/resolve the issue. I do not recall what those steps were. I was on the phone with support for an incredible amount of time and was told by the rep, "I've been on long enough now trying to help resolve the issue, but unfortunately cannot help". Wait, what???? I have googled this error message and see the exact same message has happened years ago, in recent months and found one from just a few days ago, right here in this forum. The post said closed and could not see where I could make a comment/response to. No resolutions have been given for this message. The message pops up repeatedly. All my folders are missing for inbox, sent, draft, etc. We have had numerous issues with our service over the years. Our most recent, a couple of weeks ago all of a sudden no internet or cable. Both out at same time, so most likely something wrong coming into house. They had us restart modem, computers, tvs, sent new signals. Three days later, tech comes out and the box in between us and neighbor was determined the issue. Water had gotten in the box and froze, pulling apart the wiring. Last night while on phone a ticket was issued to have someone come out to fix the box again. They were supposed to come back out after the problem of frozen wires happened. They restored our service, but said someone else would be out to further repair the box. I took a pic, but cannot see where to upload it here. The box is almost on its side and wires underneath are exposed. I said with the storm coming, freezing rain then heavy snow may very well cause us to have an outage again. It ended up this didn't affect just us after all and were told many neighbors so was flagged an outage. Multiple vehicles came late at night to fix. Took 3 days??? I don't want to be without service again. Have online school and at home workers. Very exhausting! I told the rep that we are not happy, and will be looking into other services. Please someone help!


The provided login data to access mail server imap.comcast.net seem to be wrong. Please correct them.



29.6K Messages

3 years ago

What client or email app are you using on the laptop or the phone?  In either case, try deleting the account from them, then re-create it again from scratch, and let the client/app auto-configure the account.



4 Messages

@Latoque​ While on the computer, I am logging into Xfinity directly to their website for my email mainly using Firefox. Get the same using Safari. Same with phone. No apps. I have two emails. Have had it set up like this for years and works very well to be this way. So while logged in, I can jump down to the secondary email to check inbox, compose, etc. and then jump back up to the other for same. No signing in and out of each. All of a sudden getting the message: 


The provided login data to access mail server imap.comcast.net seem to be wrong. Please correct them.
and for the secondary email there will be a ! in a triangle. When you hover over the ! get the message: There is a problem with this account. Click for more information. When in next screen for the secondary account listed under accounts, there is this message:
The entered credential or authentication information does not work or are no longer accepted by provider. Please change them.
I have reset the password for both my accounts. Logged out and back in. Still same and not sure what to do.
Thanks for your help!

Official Employee


2K Messages

Hello @user_057d31 thank you for taking the time to reach out to us on our community forums. Have you had a chance to check out our How to Set Up Your Comcast Email Address with an Email Program article?


We want to make sure the following settings have been set up:

  • Incoming Mail Server Name: https://comca.st/34iYFj1
    • Incoming Mail Server Port Number: 993 with SSL ON
  • If the Mail Client lets you select an authentication method, choose STARTTLS.
    • If Needed: 143 with SSL ON
  • Outgoing Mail Server Name: https://comca.st/3orQho9
  • Outgoing Mail Server Port Number: 587 (SMTP)
    • If Needed: 465 (SMTPS)
  • Encryption: TLS (use SSL if TLS isn't shown.)
  • Authentication: Type in your https://comca.st/3urSGmA email address

As our awesome expert @Latoque mentioned, you may need to delete the other account and then add it using the steps mentioned in our Add External Email Accounts - Xfinity Connect Help article.

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4 Messages

My second email is a comcast email not from another service. I'm a little confused that you are asking me to check out article "How to Set Up Your Comcast Email Address with an Email Program". This has been set up for years and working fine. What caused this to happen with these error messages? I did not go into the settings and change anything. I am not the only one this has or is happening to. I tried to put in the information above you gave me in the settings and when tried to save, I get Warning message:  "Validation of server imap.comcast.net failed due to invalid credentials". Can I bring my laptop into a Xfinity store and have an agent make the corrections. To be honest, not sure I can take another hour plus phone call trying to resolve, especially with an agent that cannot speak English very well. Nothing against them, but when communication is lost because I cannot understand them and they are not understanding the issue is not good. The last agent said like I mentioned in my initial message above, "I've been on long enough now trying to help resolve the issue, but unfortunately cannot help". If I cannot get this resolved soon, maybe I will just drop my service for another.


Official Employee


2K Messages

I can honestly say I need access to both of my emails every day, I definitely understand the full impact of this issue @user_057d31. We truly want to get to the bottom of this issue. Could you please send our team a direct message with your full name, full address, and both of your emails? We'd hate to see you go and would love to take a deeper look. 


To send a "Peer to peer" ("Private") message:
Click "Sign In" if necessary
• Click the "Peer to peer chat" icon
• Click the "New message" (pencil and paper) icon
• Type "Xfinity Support" in the "To:" line and select "Xfinity Support" from the drop-down list which appears. The "Xfinity Support" graphic replaces the "To:" line
• Type your message in the text area near the bottom of the window
• Press Enter to send it

I am an Official Xfinity Employee.
Official Employees are from multiple teams within Xfinity: CARE, Product, Leadership.
We ask that you post publicly so people with similar questions may benefit from the conversation.
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4 Messages

Thank you for your help! I will send a message through the peer to peer chat. I will post back what they say and if resolved.



1 Message

3 years ago

I am having the same issue with the same error message in my email.  I have spent countless hours talking to techs from India and now the Philippines.  They all promise to resolve the problem and will call back, but I never get a call back.  Since they "lost" the imap server, what are my options now?

Problem Solver


828 Messages




By any chance do you have your Comcast email synched to Outlook?

I no longer work for Comcast.



1 Message

3 years ago

I have the same issue! I lost my Outlook email account - emails, folders, contacts, calendars - over a week ago. After 3 hours with a Microsoft tech, I was told me this was a Comcast issue, due to the imap server error [Error: The provided login data to access mail server imap.comcast.net seem to be wrong. Please correct them.]. The odd thing is that my Xfinity email account seems to work, but for the repeated error message. I have called Xfinity three times, spoken to 6 different techs and it is still not resolved. At this point, I am ready to bag Outlook and Xfinity email and find another provider. 

Official Employee


135 Messages

3 years ago

If you received this error when logged into webmail it is most likely due to setting up a secondary Comcast.net account within webmail. If you change the password to that secondary account, you must update the password in the settings of your primary. 

To update the password, log in to webmail as you normally would and dismiss the error.  Go to the settings icon The setting icon (in the shape of a gear). in the upper right-hand corner >> Click Email Settings  >> Accounts >> click edit next to your secondary email address and update the password.  Please note this is not changing the password for that secondary account, it should only be used to update to a recently changed password. 

The below shows a Google account but works the same for a second Comcast.net mailbox. 

The Email settings screen with Accounts open.


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