

2 Messages

Friday, May 19th, 2023 12:51 AM


email search

My search function will only return emails dated after January 2023.  I can see and access emails in my inbox back to 2017.  While older emails can be scrolled to and opened, they do not appear in the search results.  I see in several forums where email boxes were rebuilt.  This was a very useful function in managing my inbox, projects and payments.  I've been on phone multiple times but no fixes have been successful.  Please HELP.

Accepted Solution



29.5K Messages

1 year ago

Did you try using a date-range search for the older messages?



2 Messages

@Latoque​ Hi - I had given up and apparently marked as an accepted answer.  yes I can search by a date but nothing else.  I appreciate any additional thoughts, guidance or experiments.  Previously I often searched by author or subject which no longer works.

I recently tried to post a response but can't find if it went so this may be a duplicate.

I appreciate any additional guidance or advice.  Thank you for trying.

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