Iris70's profile

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Tuesday, April 26th, 2022 4:43 PM


Draft emails getting a bit annoying

I don't remember when it started but it's been several months. When composing an email the system constantly saves a draft in the Trash>Recover Deleted Items folder. I sometimes go back & recover deleted emails, the draft clutter from composing an email & say taking a phone call, or not finishing it right away will cause multiple drafts to be saved in the Recovered Deleted Items folder. Maybe if we had a search bar feature it wouldn't be so annoying.

Is there any way to change it? I thought maybe I had changed a setting to save frequently but I can't find anything in the settings. 

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3 years ago

@Iris70 Good afternoon! Thank you for reaching out to our Community Forums Team of experts. I can see how this would be frustrating. I would be happy to assist you in getting in the right direction for getting this taken care of today. Do you by chance have your email setup with a 3rd party email such as Gmail, Outlook, or Apple Mail? 

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@XfinityKassie​ I'm using my Chrome browser on my PC via

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@Iris70 Thank you for these details, it's extremely helpful in know what platform and device you are using. Did you by chance see my question about using a 3rd part email with your Comcast email? 

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Yes, I saw that, I am not. I'm sorry for not answering the third-party question. I just assumed mentioning I'm using a Chrome web browser to go to & go to the mail button was different than a third party. I use for my gmail email separately. I'm attaching a screenshot of the issue. Hope this answers your question. 

I'm on a PC using Windows 10.

Chrome Version 101.0.4951.41.

Official Employee


974 Messages

Thank you for sharing that information, @Iris70. I can see by the of saved drafts it would be quite frustrating to go through all of those messages. No worries, we do have your back! Auto-save email drafts defaults at one minute, but can be turned off.


Go to Settings, Mail>Compose and it will be under Advanced Settings. Please let me know if you are able to locate this options or have any questions. 

I no longer work for Comcast.

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I don't have anything regarding Draft in either Compose or Advanced Settings. I should add. my problem isn't drafts in general, it's that emails are repeatedly saved as draft in the "Recover Deleted Items" folder over & over until I complete the email & send it. If I have to stop typing the email, for example, the phone rings & I minimize my browser until I'm off the phone, the email will keep saving as a draft in the recover deleted items folder, or if I'm in the process of typing a message, it will keep saving over & over in the recover deleted items folder, it doesn't even go to the draft folder at all.

Gold Problem Solver


26.1K Messages

3 years ago

@XfinityValerie wrote: "... Auto-Save email drafts ..."

That option existed in earlier versions of Appsuite webmail but is no longer present in the version I have (v7.10.5-0-33).



31K Messages

3 years ago


In webmail under Inbox you should have





Your drafts should be saved to that folder and then when you're done with your email it should dump the draft into Trash.  Are you not seeing the Draft folder?

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11 Messages


Did you read the OP? I'm not having a problem with my draft folder, I'm not having a problem with my spam, trash, or any others. First off, I said in my most recent reply that the problem was resolved, second, the problem was when composing emails would automatically & repeatedly save in the "Recover Deleted Items" folder. Not trying to sound rude, but you didn't even read the issue. I was told when I first made my post to private message Xfinity which I did & TBH forgot about it. While clearing my inbox out this morning I came across the emails from this post which is what made me check the "Recovered Deleted Items" folder & saw it was cleared up. No one contacted me to tell me they'd get back to me until this morning when I replied to the post.

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