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7 Messages email addresses
I've been getting error messages for email addresses starting about 3-4 months ago. I've been on and off with the Business Support Team several times to try and solve several issues.
I've been told that my email addresses won't be supported ,or maybe the better term is not used by Xfinity anymore. They're getting rid of the comcast addresses if I understood correctly.
Here is the latest problem to surface;
Let me add some background:
My wife has a home office and we use a business modem. My email address, however, is residential and it causes all sorts of problems. I've had my email(s) way before marriage and our home office. (As an aside: I feel that a lot of problems could be solved more easily if there wasn't such a strong separation between residential and business support, especiallywith the current problems I have.)
62 Messages
5 years ago
I don't think the person you spoke to knows what they're talking about.
You can use email addresses forever, even if you don't even have comcast service. You just have to log in at least once every few months. They are not discontinuing those addresses and have not started to move anyone to any other domain, at least not that I know of.
If your account is locked out you should be able to request a password reset online.
Official Employee
1K Messages
5 years ago
Business Support would have minimal knowledge into the email platform. To clarify, what they likely meant was that the email platform is a residential one. After the decomission of the email domain, business subscribers were able to create accounts, which is going to be a removed permission in the future. You will want to sign into your account via and if you are unable to sign in, reset your password through Unfortunately if you did not set up a mobile phone number and/or a third party email address, Comcast would be unable to assist with resetting the password if your account was disconnected as its likely in the "Email For Life" pool where as long as you sign into it via, the email will remain functional. The only other option would be to transfer the username to an active residential service at which point Comcast can then assist with manual password resets by phone call at 888-565-4329, which is the Customer Security Assurance number. As a note for the future, if its account, never contact business support. Always call the number above.
Frequent Visitor
7 Messages
5 years ago
You hit on a sore-spot for me. Different answers from different reps and no continuity or connection between residential and commercial. Plus no one willing to or allowed/able to take an issue and follow it from start to finish. It's not just the address though. I keep on getting a message saying my account credentials aren't valid.
Official Employee
1K Messages
5 years ago
@msparsont also, where are you getting this? on your phone? on your tablet? on the website? in Outlook? in MacMail?
Frequent Visitor
7 Messages
5 years ago
I am happy to have an audience for my questions. I apologize in advance if I sound peeved. I don't want to be mean or rude to anyone, but I'm tired of making multiple calls on the same topic.
It happens on the Xfinity Connect App on my iphone, on my MAC in Safari on the Xfinity Connect site, on Chrome and on Vivaldi when those two are used for Xfinity emails.
I also see this on the mail page itself.
The Safari email app gets a similar but different message for another email associated with the same Xfinity account. Can't connect to the account This may be a red herring, or another issue entirely or it may be connected. Don't know.
Is this issue/are these issues a direct result of having a residential email address with a business account? And to further muddy the water, the business itself is home-based, so the home modem is an Xfinity Business Modem.
I don't know if you keep records on previous calls, but I have talked to three people recently concerning this/these issues.
Someone from Xfinity probably has to contact me privately to see the email addresses involved or check those previous calls.
Official Employee
1K Messages
5 years ago
Try these steps on the xfinity connect web browser(webmail):
Settings > Accounts
let me know if you see anything more than a single account.
62 Messages
5 years ago
You're basically using comcast's free residential email service. It isn't tied to your business account at all really at this point, that's why business support couldn't help you.
They do have a support team to help with these "email for life" accounts but from what I've heard it is hit or miss getting support from them.
Essentially, your business service does not include email, but you can use your residential ( email for life as long as you log in every 3 months or so. I'm guessing this is why you can't see your wife's account (and she can't see yours) as they are now individual accounts not tied to each other as they no longer share a master residential account.
As far as the error you're getting, not really sure. So you're able to log into successfully but then it shows that message? If you have another email address or phone number associated with the account, you can try going through the password reset procedure, I think that may fix it. Sounds like maybe someone attempted to log in many times to your account and it got locked out for security? Just a guess.
Frequent Visitor
7 Messages
5 years ago
I only see my name on the account as a user. This is another issue. My wife is also on the account and you (Xfinity employees) can see it on the back end, but I can't see it on the front end.
Frequent Visitor
7 Messages
5 years ago
That's a good guess. I have been jumping to different emails trying to log in to the biz and the email account. Thank you.