

3 Messages

Friday, March 11th, 2022 5:43 PM


Comcast email spam filtering problem continues

Many forum users have complained about legitimate emails going to the spam/junk folder, and also a much poorer screening of junk mail by Comcast.

My wife and I are over 20 year users of Comcast email and have never before seen such a bad level of this problem, which seems to have begun in the last few months (e.g. Fall of 2021) and continues now into 2022.

I've contacted Comcast support, trying to get to a Level 2 type of person who may actually help, instead of just trying to blame the problem on the customer. It is time Comcast take some responsibility for the filtering problem in their server. The last calls finally supposedly routed me to a Level 2 person, but he was as clueless as the Level 1 guy, and I was left without any follow-up action.

IT IS NOT THE CUSTOMER'S PROBLEM! We know how to identify trusted contacts, etc. FIX YOUR PROBLEM! I am very frustrated with the lack of Comcast attention to this problem. Anyone have any ideas?

And by the way, I don't have this problem with email services from Yahoo, Gmail and MS Outlook.

New Poster


2 Messages

3 years ago

I have the exact same problem! I have called 4 times and been transferred to upper security but nothing resolved. I was supposed to get call backs but never received them. All my friendly emails are being automatically spammed so they don’t even go in my spam folder! I have a ticket number IH232569167 but by the time I keep verifying my account through all the different levels and repeatedly going through the same motions, they told me I needed to change my email!!!! After 15 years with them, it is ridiculously stupid for them to suggest this! How much work this would involve and more time!! I have spent hours on long distance from Canada to try to correct this problem!! I got so frustrated today at apparently a level two security, she didn’t really respond to me and I finally just hung up! 

Official Employee


800 Messages

Hi @bonkyzork


I really appreciate you letting us know, and I'm glad to hear that there's a ticket opened! I'll be glad to look into the status of it, we definitely don't want you to have to change your email if it's not necessary! As @XfinityCSAEmail explained earlier in this thread, anything from Xfinity should not be able to be spammed, so we want to ensure that we get this figured out for everyone :) 


Please send us a direct message, using the following instructions, so we can look into this further: 


(Full credit to @BruceW for this excellent explanation and @Again for the picture!) 

"Search for Xfinity Support" won't work. To send a "Direct Messaging" message to Xfinity Support:

 • Click "Sign In" if necessary

 • Click the "Direct Messaging" icon:



or https://comca.st/3SQss6X

 • Click the "New message" (pencil and paper) icon

 • The "To:" line prompts you to "Type the name of a person". Instead, type "Xfinity Support" there

 •  - As you are typing a drop-down list appears. Select "Xfinity Support" from that list

 •  - An "Xfinity Support" graphic replaces the "To:" line

 • Type your message in the text area near the bottom of the window

 • Press Enter to send it

See https://comca.st/3AlHBpN for an example.

I no longer work for Comcast.

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1 Message

Have this same issue of items marked as NOT spam ending up in spam.  Setting email filters did not help either. AND I and am not able to send xfinity support a direct message using the steps above.  Can Xfinity please help!?

New Poster


5 Messages

3 years ago

I also have been having issues lately with my email. I've been a comcast customer for 24 years and have had my email for 20. Most of my email that has been coming through is spam. Once in a while I am getting regular emails, but it is hit and miss. I have watched repeatedly over the last week as emails appear in my inbox and magically disappear, never to be seen again. Even email from USPS Informed Delivery disappeared. I haven't had one come through since 8/23, except for the one that disappeared this morning before I could read it. I was only receiving spam, and once in a while a regular email will get through. My parents emailed me an attachment while I was on the phone with them. I watched emails appear in my inbox with a line crossing through my parents name and also one from DSW, like they were blocked. I took a quick screen shot and then they disappeared into oblivion. I have a ticket number from when I called on Monday, but still have not gotten a call back after I already spent 2 hours on the phone. What does it take to get some help?

New Poster


9 Messages

3 years ago

Hey, XfinityGina, this seems to be a system-wide problem.  How about talking to the higher-ups in Comcast about providing competent Customer Service?  I have also had legitimate emails (ON MY WHITELIST) go into spam recently.  Most of my real spam is coming from onmicrosoft.com.  Thankfully, it goes into my spam (i.e. "Junk") folder, but I should be able to keep it out of my account completely.  Putting "Discard" in a filter rule still allows it through.

New Poster


9 Messages

3 years ago

Oh joy!  Comcast just awarded me another badge!  Maybe that will help!



26 Messages

3 years ago

Comcast is so unhelpful. They take your info, give you a ticket number and swear they'll call back and they never do.  I've tried to contact companies (some big, some small local) that Comcast has for an unknown reason blacklisted. One company said when I delete their messages from my inbox instead of just deleting Comcast sends back a 'spam' indication that removes you from the firm's site. Others have said I'm on some kind of spam list so they can't send stuff to me. When I've gone to check to see if I'm on any big spam lists I'm not on them. I've reported the sender to Comcast so they can get whitelisted and nothing changes. Comcast told me once that it is the fault of all these companies and not Comcast but I have no problem getting email from these firms on my gmail account.

Regular Visitor


10 Messages

3 years ago

I too am having the same problems as everyone else here. I have been a Comcast customer for over 20 years, had my email with them for that long. Until this past year, everything was fine. However, now I get HUNDREDS of spam in my inbox daily. Filtering doesn't help, forwarding the spam to the 'abuse' comcast email address does not help, marking each and every of the hundreds of spam messages I get daily does not help. And what's even more upsetting, Comcast Customer Service does not help at all either. After weeks of working with a Level 1 and then Level 2 Security Assurance Support (both of whom helped me not at all), I was promised a Level 3 tech would call me that day. I repeatedly asked if they would *really* call, as I had been promised that before and never, ever got a call back. So after promising me that Level 3 Tech callback, they finally called me a month later. The level 3 tech agreed the hundreds of spam messages I was receiving in my inbox daily (while, keep in mind that not one spam message was actually going to spam, that folder is completely empty) was unacceptable. And they said it was like I had no spam filter at all. Further, I informed them that when I forwarded all my Comcast (spam) messages to Gmail, not ONE went to my inbox. Every single one of the spam Comcast did not filter was correctly filtered by Gmail. That's pretty shocking. Anyway, the Level 3 Tech promised me that within 48 hours she would have the problem fixed. And guess what? It's weeks after that, and I still have 100's of spam going directly into my inbox. It's unbelievable that Comcast can't properly address this issue, and that their tech support is so lacking. How are Gmail, Yahoo, MSN, and all other vendors able to fix this issue, while Comcast can not? After spending way, way too many hours trying to fix this problem, I'm about to give up on using Comcast completely. Such a shame. 



1 Message

@daisynhoney​ I'm having this exact issue - I hate to have to give up after we've had this email address for 20+ years also - but it's ridiculous. Spam filtering cannot be this difficult and I just don't get what the problem is. How can we get the attention of someone who is actually able to fix this???????

Official Employee


1.8K Messages

Hello, @user_4cc346. We would hate for you to stop using an email, especially after having it for over 20 years. I'd like to take a further look into this. In order to get started, can you please send me a private message to Xfinity Support with your full name and full address by clicking the chat icon in the top right?

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10 Messages

@user_4cc346​  @daisynhoney  I am having this issue as well and have had the same email address for over 20 years and really hate to give it up, but something needs to change or I will need to go through the pain of switching, and if I do, I will be done with Comcast.  I don't have these issues with other email providers with alternate names, but this email is the one everyone has and knows how to reach me for consulting roles, etc.  It will be a massive undertaking to change my email address after so many years, but if it gets everything squared away, I will do what needs to be done. 



4 Messages

3 years ago

This is still a big, BIG issue. I don't ever get emails from Southwest confirming my flight. It's [Edited: "Language"] Southwest for god's sake!

Even worse, with two-factor authentication common-place, many confirmation codes are swallowed by Xfinity email servers and are never delivered even to the Spam mailbox.

Stop being so aggressive with preventing supposed spam emails and let users tag what is spam and what is not. This has been going on for YEARS! Fix the [Edited: "Language"] problem!




4 Messages

@PSL8R​ Wow! This is choice. Xfinity community emails are routed to the Spam folder. Good job, Xfinity!



10 Messages

@PSL8R lol, that is brilliant. I am sorry to be so rude and laugh at this, but I am so frustrated with Xfinity.  Anything from Google, including my own calendar email reminders, go to spam, another email address I have and pay a fee to have forwarded so I do not need to check multiple emails goes to spam, and if I dare to send something to their missed spam email they start sending more legitimate email to spam, it is a no-win situation.  Frankly, I am tired of babysitting Xfinity's spam/junk mailbox and syncing with my client.  Anything I go in and mark as "NOT SPAM" gets ignored by Xfinity which is a big problem when it is a company you may be getting a bill from or better yet, a potential job opportunity, and adding these email addresses to my address book does not help.


Frequent Visitor


14 Messages

2 years ago

This is STILL a problem, I think Level 1 & Level 2 have exhausted all their avenues of diagnosis!!  By now, if you haven't got to Level 3 Support, which usually includes actual developer involvement, you are wasting your time!!

Official Employee


1K Messages

2 years ago

Good afternoon,

Here to provide some insights. Apologies if I missed anyone, I'm just one person and its hard to track everything within just this thread (reason why its recommended to make your own post if you are having issues and let people with solutions or troubleshooting steps reply within the threads). If I did miss you, please do create your own post with as much details as possible(without violating the rules of this forum, usually including just the email domain is fine) so its easier to start looking into :)


iPad Mail iOS 15.7 moved emails from twitter.com to the junk/spam folder.
The comcast.net server delivered these emails from twitter.com to the inbox. 

If you have other specific examples, please feel free to send me examples of full email addresses and dates.


need specific examples like full email addresses and dates in a direct message to me. Logs confirm that your email is being accessed over IMAP and whatever it is - its automatically deleting emails. Unfortunately, whatever is accessing the emails and deleting them did not provide our server with any identifiers (like what kind of email client) or version information. If you do not use any email clients (like Thunderbird, Outlook, iPad Mail, iPhone Mail, Android Mail, etc.) on any of your devices that you view emails, you may want to consider disabling third party email client access via Settings> Email Settings > Security> Third Party Access Security within webmail. Additionally, you may want to change your password if you never set up a device with IMAP to access your emails. 


I need specific examples like full email addresses and dates in a direct message to me.


I need specific examples like full email addresses and dates in a direct message to me. Logs confirm that a Microsoft Outlook version 16.0.15629.20156 is accessing your emails and deleting them at its own discretion via IMAP protocol. This would be a setting within Outlook that is configured to delete emails and you will want to find it and disable it. 


Filter rules only apply to emails within the inbox. For emails going to spam, I would need specific examples like full email addresses and dates in a direct message to me. 


need specific examples like full email addresses and dates in a direct message to me. The spam example is correct, it is up to the sender whether they honor the spam flag or not, which is an automated process. This is not ideal in cases where an email could be flagged false-positive as spam automatically. The sender will want to mend the way they handle opt-outs and unsubscribes and remove the automatic removal due to a spam flag and potentially even review sing our feedback loop at https://postmaster.comcast.net/feedback-loop.html


Looks like your emails are being manipulated by multiple email clients. Logs show iPhone Mail versions 15.6.1, iPad mail versions 14.8.1 and 14.3, Nylas, and something via POP3 protocol. Checking our logs, it appears that these email clients are controlling what is going into your inbox and what is going into your spam folders. I would also like a few specific examples with full email addresses and dates in a direct message to confirm and trace what happened to the email(s) on our servers. 


You are correct, spam filtration is not difficult, but it is complex. Sorting billions of emails between 2 folders is simple, but identifying what should go where is a realm of infinites. Specifically because it is a spammers job to keep finding work-arounds to ensure delivery to inbox to capture as large of a target audience as possible. Checking our logs it appears you have iPhone Mail version 14.8 that is also managing what emails go to inbox and which ones go to the spam folder and/or moving them between the two folders. I would also like a few specific examples with full email addresses and dates in a direct message to confirm and trace what happened to the email(s) on our servers. 


Checking our logs I can see a few access attempts over IMAP and whenever it happens its movement of emails to the spam folder. This indicates that an email client is moving emails to the spam from the inbox. I would also like a few specific examples with full email addresses and dates in a direct message to confirm and trace what happened to the email(s) on our servers. 


I can understand the frustration and the filtration works exactly like that. Users who mark emails as spam or not spam. Do note that this is not individual. Just becasue you mark something as not spam does not mean that there arent a million emails other recipients marking as spam. For example if you mark southwest as "not spam" and the next 50,000 people do mark them as spam, the filtration is going to consider the emails as spam. In your example i was only able to find one reference to southwest and it was a spam email originating from onmicrosoft.com via an edu account from what looks like an attempt to offer money for answers to a survey. Likely an attempt to steal information about you or access to your southwest rewards points program. I would also like a few specific examples with full email addresses and dates in a direct message to confirm and trace what happened to the email(s) on our servers. I can however confirm IMAP access via iPad Mail version 15.7 that is also moving emails on your behalf between inbox/junk/trash.


I need specific examples like full email addresses and dates in a direct message to me.

Regular Visitor


10 Messages


Hello, you mentioned that my spam filtering problems were likely due to going through multiple email clients. That’s absolutely not true. Yes, I do have several devices (which is why you saw various iOS 14.3/15.9, iPadOS 14.8, a Pop server, etc). But that has nothing at all to do with Comcast’s horrendous spam filtering. When all my devices are not in use, for instance when I am in the hospital, which I am frequently given I am fighting Cancer, I solely use Comcast’s web interface for email. And the problem is the absolutely the same. I only retrieve the email from my Apple and Windows devices AFTER comcast does or does not filter the spam. And also, if I forward all of Comcast’s emails to Gmail, Gmail correctly filters ALL of the spam, while leaving the legit emails in my inbox. How is Gmail able to do this, and Comcast can’t? Keep in mind I’m using Gmail with the exact same devices and email clients you mention are likely the reason for Comcast’s spam filtering not working. That simply just doesn’t make sense. If they caused a problem, then Gmail would also have a problem with spam. But it doesn’t, it filters out all the spam Comcast doesn’t! Furthermore, on my Windows PC, Microsoft Outlook also correctly filters out the spam that Comcast leaves in my inbox. I‘ve even tried, as an experiment, forwarding my Comcast email to my Yahoo account, and even yahoo can filter out the vast majority of spam from Comcast (roughly 95%), while Gmail and Outlook filter 100% as mentioned above. It’s ONLY Comcast that is having the problem. I am constantly deleting an unbelievable amount of spam that went to my inbox. I have sent you specific examples, as you requested, to your DM’s. I would appreciate some real help, as Levels 1, 2, and 3 techs have not fixed the problem. Thank you



4 Messages

@XfinityCSAEmail​ Unfortunately, for the Southwest example, I do not receive an email at all, even in the Spam folder, in which I can mark as not-spam. Those emails are simply "swallowed' by the Xfinity email system and never even transmitted to my email client. As a test, I changed my account Southwest email to use an alternative email address, and I have had zero issues with receiving emails. So, it is not an issue with Southwest not sending the emails. It's an issue with Xfinity not even sending the Southwest emails to me, whether in the Spam folder or not. 



4 Messages

@PSL8R​ BTW, Southwest is but one example in which this has happened or happens. There are a number of other services in which I cannot even create accounts with an Xfinity email address, because Xfinity is an email blackhole.


Official Employee


1K Messages

@PSL8R​ Good morning,

To clarify your statement, Xfinity is not sending the southwest emails. Southwest is. There is no active block or filtering against the airline on our side, which means that there is an issue on the southwest side when sending emails to comcast.net email addresses. In this case, specifically to you. Why? only southwest can answer that one. The Xfinity email system to note does not "transmit" emails to your email clients. Your email clients sign into your email and takes a copy. Another way to put it is that instead of going to xfinity.com, signing in - you are using your email client and signing in. There is no delivery path between the two essentially. The emails don't transmit.

To hopefully further clarify on how email works:

To explain why on a different email you can get it, is because to the southwest email delivery system a new email = no precedence or issues. A clean slate essentially. They technically don't know who you are and have established a brand new relationship with a brand new email address.

To further break it down, comcast does not apply blocks or filters on an individual basis. We do not create custom blocks for Jim, but let John and Susan get the exact same emails. Our system works on a wholistic principal, which means if Jim is not getting the emails, then Susan and John wont get these emails either. Checking our logs and seeing that over 500,000 emails from southwest were delivered to comcast.net email addresses in just the past 24 hours alone - indicates that its a issue outside of Comcast unique to you. 

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234 Messages

@daisynhoney Hi there, thank you for taking the time to reach out to Xfinity Community Forum for assistance. Our CSA team doesn't have access to these forms of communication. The best way to reach that department is by using this link https://internetsecurity.xfinity.com/help/report-abuse/. It provides everything you need to contact that department. I am confident they will be able to address all your concerns.

I no longer work for Comcast.

New Poster


3 Messages

2 years ago

I am having the same problem. I read through here and sent a Direct Message to Xfinity Support per several comments in this post. I got this message back: Hey there! Sorry to hear you have that issue with your emails. You are going to want to reach out to our CSA team who would be better educated and equipped to handle email issues for you. Their number is (877) 215-5529.  Hoping this won't be an hours long call.

Regular Visitor


10 Messages

2 years ago

@XfinityVanessa​, Unfortunately, I have dealt with that department (the CSA team) FIVE SEPARATE TIMES, and they have never, ever had any help or resolution. They never call back, and when they finally do, months later, they promise they have "fixed" the problem, yet nothing ever gets fixed. This is with Tier-3 Security Assurance reps. So, no, actually, that department will not help, and I suggest you all stop advising people that they will for situations where people are being bombarded by spam with no way to filter it, because it's just false advertising. I have had no less than EIGHT calls with them over the past year, and the horrendous spam problem continues unabated, with absolutely no help from Comcast at all. None. The "best" advice they could give me when I told the Tier 3 support person that they may wish it was fixed, but I still receive massive numbers of spam in my inbox daily, was to change my email address. Yes, that's the advice I was given after endless hours on hold, waiting months for help that was promised but never given, waiting for calls that never were returned, etc. It is incredibly frustrating and disappointing. It's the worst customer service I have ever received in my life, bar none. 

Official Employee


1.6K Messages

I am sorry you feel this way @daisynhoney. We only have these setting for spam filters https://www.xfinity.com/support/articles/spam-filters-and-email-blocking-new-experience. To report spam emails you can visit https://internetsecurity.xfinity.com/help/report-abuse

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New Poster


17 Messages

2 years ago

This post is too confusing.  It was opened because someone is getting too many junk emails but has morphed into so many other issues.  It should probably be closed and individual posts created for each problem.

New Poster


17 Messages

2 years ago

My solution to too much spam was to implement a safelist with only friends and family on it because you are only allowed 50 entries.  I moved all my business contacts over to another system that has good spam control.

New Poster


3 Messages

2 years ago

From 3pm on Nov 26 until 10am on Nov 27th I received 33 spam emails, many of which have been forwarded to Comcast's Abuse address numerius times, but the number just keeps growing. FIX THE PROBLEM!

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