

3 Messages

Friday, March 11th, 2022 5:43 PM


Comcast email spam filtering problem continues

Many forum users have complained about legitimate emails going to the spam/junk folder, and also a much poorer screening of junk mail by Comcast.

My wife and I are over 20 year users of Comcast email and have never before seen such a bad level of this problem, which seems to have begun in the last few months (e.g. Fall of 2021) and continues now into 2022.

I've contacted Comcast support, trying to get to a Level 2 type of person who may actually help, instead of just trying to blame the problem on the customer. It is time Comcast take some responsibility for the filtering problem in their server. The last calls finally supposedly routed me to a Level 2 person, but he was as clueless as the Level 1 guy, and I was left without any follow-up action.

IT IS NOT THE CUSTOMER'S PROBLEM! We know how to identify trusted contacts, etc. FIX YOUR PROBLEM! I am very frustrated with the lack of Comcast attention to this problem. Anyone have any ideas?

And by the way, I don't have this problem with email services from Yahoo, Gmail and MS Outlook.



256 Messages

3 years ago

I completely agree with this. I have also received a daily stream of SPAM that should have been detected by even the simplest filter methods, starting last Fall. Today was a real marvel.

The SPAM had a subject of:  "AW: Comcast Xfinity Online Shopper", with the From/To identical, a garbage email address.

The content was: "You've been chosen!  Congratulations! You can get a $100 Comcast Xfinity Shopping Reward gift card!, etc, etc, etc.

Looking at the email source, it's immediately obvious that this is spam, to the highest degree. I also do not have any problems with GMAIL and MSN. Zero spams from these two.



3 Messages

@plummerl​ Ironically, your note went into my junk folder, along with Comcast's welcoming me to the Forum.

Thanks for your support.


Official Employee


842 Messages

Thank you for reaching out, @user_8dabb1. My name is Kim and I will be more than happy to assist. Will you please send our team a direct message with your full name and full address? Our team can most definitely take a further look at this issue.

To send a "Peer to peer" ("Private") message:
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• Click the "Peer to peer chat" icon
• Click the "New message" (pencil and paper) icon
• Type "Xfinity Support" in the "To:" line and select "Xfinity Support" from the drop-down list which appears. The "Xfinity Support" graphic replaces the "To:" line

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256 Messages

@XfinityKimberlyB​ Gosh Kim, how can I get such personal attention for the exact, same problem, as I also described above?

Official Employee


1.9K Messages

Hello @plummerl, and thank you for reaching out with the spam issue as well. I would be happy to work with you to see why you are getting so much spam today. Can you send us a private message with your full name, name of account holder (if different) and service address? To send a private message, please click the chat icon next to the bell in the upper right corner. Click the “notepad and pen” button. Send the full message to our shared support handle “Xfinity Support”. We look forward to hearing from you!


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3 Messages


Kim, I tried but could not follow your instructions to send you a private message. Send me a note to [Edited: "Personal Information"].





10 Messages

3 years ago

I am having the same issue and it has continued to get worse, I keep going into Xfinity marking emails as not Spam, and Xfinity cycles the emails right back into the spam folder.  The filters missed a few emails recently and I forwarded those to missed spam, now I am seeing more legitimate emails going to the spam folder and I cannot keep logging into Xfinity online when I use Outlook on my computer as my email client. This needs to stop, we pay a premium for our cable and internet services and expect a superior level of service, this should not be my problem to troubleshoot daily.



256 Messages

@jumperrider15​ I just had an attempted conversation with the Security Assurance group. I'm promised a response in 24 hours. In my case after 4 months of a spam shower and dozens (3 dozen?) of Filter Rules, it seemed to be getting a bit better. Then I started getting legitimate emails, from people who have been in my address book for up to ten years, regularly going into the SPAM folder. In some cases I am getting the same email in both my SPAM folder and my INBOX! Last week I was expecting a very time sensitive email from someone. It did not arrive as scheduled. I kept checking and after an hour I thought of logging online and checking the SPAM folder. Sure enough there it was, to late to respond. Hopefully they can explain the process to someone who has been a sw engineer for 40 years, but I'm not hopeful. Today's deposit of an email from a close friend in the SPAM folder even has the header showing the "x-caa-spam: f00000" entry, marking it as not SPAM!



256 Messages

So, I had a call from the "higher tier" of the Security Assurance group. It was all that I could do to keep from laughing or crying.

I first tried to get an answer on how the Comcast email filtering worked with regards to checking for address book entry versus the use of a user's email filter rules. I was told that the email first checks the filter rules. If it meets any rule that sends the email to the spam folder, it bypasses the address book lookup. Simply astonishing! Based on this response, any rule that contains anything in the content that you're using for repetitive spam emails, means that should your friend have the same content, innocently, the email goes to the spam folder.

He then said that even if it passes all the rules and is in the address book, if the email address has been flagged as spam by other Comcast users, the email automatically goes to the spam folder.

I then asked about the email from a friend, in my address book for 10 years, was now going to the spam folder on the last 4 emails. The email header had the x-caa-spam-f00000 entry, flagging it as NOT SPAM. His response was that it must be an address that others have marked as spam!

Next on the list was that the solution to having my friendly emails going to the spam folder was to go into the settings and change the Spam Filtering setting in the Advanced Settings to "Override Security Filters - Allow spam and potentially harmful messages in your Inbox.". After explaining that I would then start receiving every single true spam email, he said that was true.

I was then told that the final solution would be that he'd send a message to the server team and they would make sure that all of my SPAM/NOT SPAM flagging of emails would actually take effect. I've been doing this extensively for the last 5 months, including forwarding true spams to  [Edited: "Personal Information"].

This was pretty much when I finally lost it and effectively hung up.

If this is an example of high level tech support, we truly are in a world of hurt.


Official Employee


1.8K Messages

Welcome to our community forum, @jumperrider15! You've reached the perfect place to get help with any questions you have :). I rely on my Email every day for work so I'd be frustrated if important mail was being sent to my spam folder. I can definitely take a closer look at what's causing this to happen. How do you typically access your Email? From our site or a third party app? 

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10 Messages

@plummerld​  Sorry I have not been getting these messages updates in my client inbox, but one came through today and I checked the thread.  What a nightmare you have been dealing with. Thanks for the information on the header denoting marked as not spam!  I still have not received assistance from Xfinity and appreciate the additional information. It looks like there is an old message to my post from Xfinity, which I did not receive in my email to prompt a response from me.



10 Messages

@plummerld​ We truly are in a world of hurt by what I just read in your second post, I don't care if someone else marks something as spam within the entire world, that is for them and not the rest of us!  I deal with enough of that with my phone carrier "if one person marks a phone number as spam and I have them in my phone address book it is automatically marked as spam", I had to adjust my settings to allow all spam call through to my phone, it is pathetic. I am in the process of a job search and some recruiters outsource, so if one individual gets a call and may not understand the dialect of the person calling or if the person calling has a bad connection or does not speak up, fails to leave a voicemail, they are tagged as spam.  I do attribute part of the phone issue to the greed of cell companies wanting us to now pay for caller ID in addition to security services. Sorry to go on this rant, but the filtering of spam you touched on in your post is the same for telecom and it all needs to stop!



26 Messages

3 years ago

I am ALSO having problems with spam filtering. I am NOT GETTING legitimate emails in my inbox or in my junk mail. For example I didn't receive order confirmations or order updates from Home Depot and esalerugs.  They told me they can't see any incoming email from them. They said I HAVE TO call the companies and ask them why I'm not receiving the messages. It is ridiculous and the 2nd tier support person refused to transfer me to anyone else. Also you can find my ticket number here IH228125879


New Poster


9 Messages

3 years ago

I agree. Trusted email is constantly going into the "Junk" folder.  And by the way, let's have some consistency in naming. Is it "Junk" or is it "Spam?"

Gold Problem Solver


26.2K Messages

3 years ago

... Is it "Junk" or is it "Spam?"

Excellent question. Comcast has never said AFAIK. In my experience, in their Xfinity Connect webmail it's a "Spam" folder, but the name that's passed to 3rd party email programs and apps using IMAP is "Junk". Go figure . . .

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1 Message

3 years ago

My wife and I are also 20+ year users of Comcast email, and have been experiencing the exact same problems.  It's virtually impossible to find online support material specific to the issue.  I have no patience to wait on customer support hold.

I'm beyond exasperated!!

Problem Solver


493 Messages

Thank you for taking the time to reach out in regard to this SPAM issue, @user_b2cd5e. I definitely understand how something like this would be an inconvenience and seeing that this is your initial post on this thread about this issue, I will start at the basics in order to ensure that no stone is left unturned. To get started, have you gone through your SPAM filters in order to ensure that they haven't been reset in any way? If not, please do so. This link will give you an overview of the Basic and Advanced settings for your SPAM folders. Please let me know if you run into any issues accessing the link. 

I no longer work for Comcast

Problem Solver


501 Messages

3 years ago

I'm wondering if this is my problem as well.  For three months I have not been able to get the Apple Card statement in my Comcast email, neither in the junk folder or inbox so I'm getting statements mailed to my home.  It's all frustrating and makes me wonder what other emails I'm missing out on due to incorrect spam filters.

Problem Solver


567 Messages

That's odd. We definitely want you to get all your emails. To clarify, is it the same email that's having the returning deleted items?

I no longer work for Comcast.

Problem Solver


501 Messages

No my email needs to get the Apple Card statement, [Edited: "Personal Information"] and my husband email has the returning deleted emails, [Edited: "Personal Information"]




26 Messages

3 years ago

You know what user_Ikp846? Now that you mention it, I don't get my monthly Apple statement I used to get emailed to me for extra storage. I can't remember when I last received that message. I also noticed I don't get certain emails from a company I cruise with. I get all their bulk emails, but no email that is specific to me. Comcast is blaming all the companies. I think it is [Edited: "Language"]. I also checked all the lists that blacklist certain email addresses and mine isn't on any of them.  So really somewhere Comcast IS BLOCKING legit emails from getting to me. This happened a few times with various companies I purchased things from- such as a rug- and I never received a confirmation email. When I called the company about it, they resent the email and I still didn't get it. When I have it sent to my gmail account I DO GET IT.


Official Employee


1.6K Messages

Hi there, @user_a0f600 I'm very sorry for the trouble that you are having with not getting your emails, I know how frustrating this can be for you. Please be assured we'll get to the bottom of this. Can you please send us a Private Message with your first and last name and service address? To send our team a private message, click the chat icon at the top right of the screen. Choose the handle "Xfinity Support".

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10 Messages

@user_a0f600​  So many things are being blocked by Xfinity and I have actually had friends tell me they have received undeliverable messages when my email is working just fine and I was not over my limit of email storage.  I asked them to try to send it again and the email came through, however companies are not going to perform this courtesy for us.



2 Messages

3 years ago

Same issue. I have emails from a script on Amazon using SES (Simple Email Service) to my Comcast email. Every single one of them goes to spam. I created filters to put them in a folder instead and nothing happens; they stay in spam. I repeated select all in the spam folder and mark as Not Spam and every single email keeps returning to the spam folder. I can sit here and repeatedly mark items as Not Spam for hours and get the same result...

I've even turned off the spam filtering to allow all email into inbox as a test...same result as above...all still going to spam folder...


Problem Solver


785 Messages

@user_503c12 Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I can understand the frustration this has caused. Could you please send our team a direct message with your full name and full address? Our team can most definitely take a further look at this issue.


To send a "Peer to peer" ("Private") message:

Click "Sign In" if necessary

• Click the "Peer to peer chat" icon

• Click the "New message" (pencil and paper) icon

• Type "Xfinity Support" in the "To:" line and select "Xfinity Support" from the drop-down list which appears. The "Xfinity Support" graphic replaces the "To:" line

• Type your message in the text area near the bottom of the window

• Press Enter to send it


I no longer work for Comcast.



2 Messages

Can you confirm the Peer to Peer icon is the icon in the upper right of the screen that says "Direct Messaging" when you mouse over it?



1 Message

3 years ago

I completely agree with all of the comments.  The Xfinity spam filter doesn't work well.  Obvious spam makes it through, whereas trusted e-mail keeps going into the spam/junk folder.  When I go through the spam folder through Xfinity, select an e-mail, and click "Not Spam"' most of the time the e-mail gets put right back into the Spam filter and I have to go through the process again.  Today, I actually had to do it five times to move all of the messages permanently out of the spam folder.  And now, of course, none of my filter rules are applied to the e-mails that go to the spam folder, so I have to manually sort those e-mails.  Today, every e-mail in the spam folder was not spam.

Xfinity needs to fix this problem.  Turning off the spam filter is not an option, nor is manually having to create our own spam filter rule and manually add every spam e-mail to it.

Problem Solver


519 Messages

Hey @user_27f34a. I am here and would love to help with your services. 

Could you please send our team a direct message with your full name and full address?

Our team can most definitely take a further look at this issue.

To send a "Direct Message" to Xfinity Support:

Click "Sign In" if necessary

Click the "Direct Messaging" icon or https://comca.st/3EqVMu7

Click the "New message" (pencil and paper) icon

The "To:" line prompts you to "Type the name of a person". Instead, type "Xfinity Support" there

 - As you are typing a drop-down list appears. Select "Xfinity Support" from that list

 - An "Xfinity Support" graphic replaces the "To:" line

Type your message in the text area near the bottom of the window

Press Enter to send it

See https://comca.st/3KQF8q9r for an example.

I no longer work for Comcast.



256 Messages

3 years ago

This is so funny, but I want to cry. I have also been receiving emails from multiple people, all in my address book, into the SPAM folder. Even my father's, who also has a Comcast email.

This morning (just now), I made a posting on the Community Forum/ Email (this forum!). After the posting, I received an email:

From: Community Mailer, Subject: You have earned a new badge

It appeared in my SPAM folder!!!

If Comcast cannot properly screen an email generated from within it's own system, we have absolutely no hope.

Official Employee


1K Messages

3 years ago

Good afternoon,

Do you by chance use any email clients or access your email anywhere else except the website? the situation you are describing is impossible since all emails from xfinity are allow-listed - meaning that they will always land in the inbox no matter what since it doesn't even get a spam filter pass on it. Checking the logs for email delivery it also shows and confirms that the emails are allow-listed and were delivered to the inbox by the server.



256 Messages

@XfinityCSAEmail​ I just forwarded the email from the Comcast Forum (alert about badge award) from the SPAM folder to myself. Bing! It arrived in my SPAM folder.

I have one email client on my phone using IMAP, with the only reference being to the INBOX in Comcast . I turned the phone off. I forwarded my Comcast Forum (alert about badge) again. Straight to my SPAM folder.

Sounds like it is definitely possible!!! As a 40+ year SW Engineer, I would never think of describing something going wrong in software as "impossible"!  :)

In addition to this issue, I also have many instances of emails from people in my Address book landing in SPAM, with an exact copy landing in the INBOX!




26 Messages

3 years ago

Official Employee


1.6K Messages

Hi there! I'm very sorry for the trouble you are having. Please send us a DM with your full first and last name along with your full-service address so we can look into your email concerns.

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Problem Solver


501 Messages

3 years ago

I’d be thrilled if my Apple Card statements were in my Spam Folder but they’re not in there either. Something changed with Xfinity mail settings on the Xfinity end and I stopped getting them.  I do have my Xfinity  Connect open on my iPad to compare it with my Mac mail. They match always. I’m seeing other posters saying they’re not getting important emails at all. That is my issue as well.  



342 Messages

We can continue assisting you through direct message regarding this issue. 

I no longer work for Comcast. 



26 Messages

@user_lkp846​ I'm one of those people. I contacted Xfinity again about it, talked to a Level 2 support person two or three days ago. Got another ticket number. PROMISED someone would call back within 24 hours. Never heard from anyone. I spoke with someone at one of the business I don't get email from. They say then when I delete their messages, somehow Comcast sends a notification blocking them from sending me messages. They can fix the problem, but the same thing happens. I'm just hitting delete, not block or anything like that. The message goes into my deleted messages folder. I can name 5-10 businesses I don't get messages from. For example, if I order from Home Depot I never get an order confirmation. I don't get messages from Sprouts any more either. Comcast would much rather ignore problems than help people.


Official Employee


1.6K Messages

Hi, @user_a0f600 I'm very sorry for the inconvenience you are going through. We are here to assist you with your email concerns, please DM me your full first and last name along with your full-service address so that I can assist you further with your concerns.

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26 Messages

Just look here IH 232523600 and tell me why nobody has responded to this.

Official Employee


1.6K Messages

Hi @user_a0f600 Thank you for that information, can you please DM me your first and last name along with your full-service address, so I can access your account and get your questions answered for you.

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1 Message

3 years ago

I am experiencing the exact same issues.  Emails from my children's school continually hit Spam, are marked not Spam, and wind up right back in Spam again.  Please send the DM instructions

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