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3 Messages

Thursday, February 13th, 2025 10:51 PM


Comcast E-mail Continually Dysfunctional - FEB 2025 - Maryland

Thursday, 2-13-2025 - Comcast E-mail:  Comcast e-mail is very dysfunctional, and has been periodically for at least a week.  There are problems in loading new incoming e-mails, and even problems in deleting e-mails.  I have received various messages, saying my mailbox is nearly full - it is NOT - my email usage is currently at 11% of Comcast's stated 10GB capacity. Since Comcast has recently increased its rates, one would think better service would be in order.  This appears to be a major problem with the Comcast email online app.  For reference, I am accessing Comcast e-mail on a laptop, not a cell phone. This needs to be be rectified. 

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

Comcast Xfinity email issue

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