1 Message
comcast blocked my email address
I've had a particular comcast email address for almost 20 years now and the other day I was unable to access it via thunderbird or the web client. I thought for two days that there was trouble with the email service, until I tried to login to the account on the xfinity page. Then I was prompted "In a recent security review, we detected a potential issue with your Xfinity profile. As a precaution, you'll need to reset your password." however when I do the password reset, I get the following "You can reset your password by connecting to your home WiFi network and visiting If you still need help, give us a call at 1-800-XFINITY." error. I contacted both the number and the tech support via chat, and nobody has been able to lift an apparent security freeze on the email and now they are telling me I need to file an identity fraud report. I asked them to reset the password for the email, however they will not even do this, even though the email is attached to my account.
This is the straw that broke the camels back for me. I have had this email since I was a teenager and its tied to many many websites and accounts. The customer service is absolutely HORRENDOUS and they fail to understand even what the issue is on their end. I've decided its time to move on, cancelling my service when my contract is up in October.
31.2K Messages
2 years ago
Try calling Customer Security Assurance, second tier.
Customer Security Assurance
Business Hours: 8:00am - 12:00am EST, 7 days a week
Contact: 1-888-565-4329
Official Employee
2.1K Messages
2 years ago
Hello @user_b5b194, I know how important emails are, I basically live out of my inbox lol. I'm sorry to hear you've had troubles with that security freeze, and I'd love a chance to make sure you get access to your email. We certainly don't want to see you leave, but no matter what I can help you. Have you had a chance to check out our Customer Security Assurance team? Thank you @Again for posting those details 🙌.
2 Messages
1 year ago
OMG!!! Same thing happened to me and I JUST got off phone w CS and they have NO CLUE how to help. I have had this address for over 20 years and cannot access it. I asked "is this happening to anyone else" and they said NO. [Edited: language]. This is so ridic.