aastrid's profile

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7 Messages

Sunday, January 26th, 2020 11:00 AM


Cannot Turn Off Two-Step Verification

Each time I log-in and try to turn off the two-step verification I get an error message saying, "Looks like something went wrong Please reload the page and try again." I've been trying to turn it off for several days now and only get this error message. What can I do? I'm getting rather irritated at this point. 

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3 Messages

4 years ago

I am having the same problem.  Tried to turn off 2 step verification on my laptop and on the app on my cell phone.  It won't turn off.  I've shut down/restarted, reloaded pages, etc.  This is very frustrating.

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4 years ago

I am having the same problem.  Totally irritating!  I also cannot get any help from Comcast!

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4 years ago

Same here.  I have been on hold with IT for 30mins now and they have no clue. 

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7 Messages

4 years ago

I finally talked to someone who helped me! Delete the phone number used for the two-step verification and that will force it to disable. You may have to have primary account status to do this, the customer service rep elevated my status and I was able to delete the phone number. It took TWO DAYS and talking to several people to figure this out! ARRGGH! 

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1 Message

4 years ago

It works.  Thanks aastid!!!!!!!!!!! 

Like aastid said, go to account information, remove the verification phone number and it will disable and show "turn off".  You can add verification number back to the account after if you want.  

New Poster


3 Messages

4 years ago

Thank you. This worked for me!!
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