Wednesday, November 22nd, 2023 6:19 PM


"Call us for help resetting your password" Email ISSUE


So today when trying to access my email I am greeted with the " Just give us a call at 1-800-XFINITY and we can help you reset your password."

I have been using this email for >10 Years and I got everything going to it, all kinds of super urgents emails go to this account.

I highly doubt I have access to the recovery email listed on this account (My fault, should of updated it)

I tried calling the CSA number and am getting no where.

To make things more complicated, I think the account is tied to my parents, (Since I would of made the account when still lived at home)

Any idea if I go over there and connect to their WI-FI, if it would let me login in or atleast give a prompt to change password without calling in?

Without access to this email I am Royally [Edited: "Language"]. 

I am posting this from my other Xfinity account, ( This one I created years later, compared to the one that is locked out) 

Accepted Solution



1 Message

1 year ago

Yo, just ran into this same bullcrap issue. First off can't emphasize how dumb this problem is... why would you not let your own users change their password? Almost eye-rolled myself into an adjacent dimension. 

As for the fix, if you call up your parents you can log in with the primary account (I happen to have my dad's in 1Password), and go to Account in the top right, then Account and Identity > some submenu that should show a list of authorized users. I found mine, clicked it, and was able to reset my password online. Logged out and back in as myself and good to go. 

Hopefully this fixes your issue as well. 

12 Messages

For anyone else who may try this solution, if you don't have a recovery email / phone already attached to the account, you won't be able to reset the password that way and you will need to talk to Xfinity.  That happened to us - because the option to reset the password wasn't showing for our secondary accounts that didn't have an email/phone attached.

OP, glad  you got sorted.

1 Message

@j0nnyb0nes​ I spent a week trying to fix this, contacting Comcast via phone, web site, online chat with regular tech and Security Center, and text message exchange. Most frustrating thing I've done in many years. By going to My account I fixed the problem. Thank you so much for posting this!!

1 Message

@j0nnyb0nes​ So annoying!  30 minutes in an endless loop. There's no option to reset password, and all the automated agent wants to do is send you a link that doesn't work and she can't wait to disconnect you. WHY????



221 Messages

1 year ago

I’ve tried the solution listed but when I get to the users, it doesn’t allow me to click anything. I spent a long time on the phone and chat support today only to be told that it’s a “glitch” and will be fixed with 72 hours. Yet I still need access to this email today…

9 Messages

It's a known issue from an xfinity update. To fix, call this number  1 (888) 565-4329, wait on hold about an hour, and then they will fix it in 5-10 minutes.

Regular Visitor


20 Messages

can anyone from Xfinity verify this? ... i have an Xfinity account with family and 3 emails ... one primary and two secondary.   My secondary account which i have changed the PW of over the years is the only one that works now (what i am typing this from) ... if this really is a glitch (yes i know its the Holiday weekend too as far as "we will fix it soon") it may save them a call and their time.

Official Employee


2.8K Messages

@Mmmradar the best way to fix this issue is to have the owner of the account reach out to our CSA team as this has cleared the issues for many customers. I am sorry for any inconvenience this may cause your family members. It is to make sure their accounts stay secure.  

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12 Messages

Well I've reached out 3 times in the last week and I'm sure the person on the live chat believes they are helping me and it will be fixed,  but each time,  I get no where.  I need access to this email, yesterday.  Not being able to reach a human is beyond frustrating.  The last person did up a '"ticket" and promised I would be able to reset my password, I just needed to wait an hour before attempting to do that.  Hours came and went and I still can't access my account!

1 Message

@user_84f934​ This is correct. If you call the number 1 (888) 565-4329, they will get it fixed in a matter of minutes. I called around 8am EST and did not have to wait at all for an agent. The fix took about 6-7 mins total and I was done.


1 Message

1 year ago

Thank you.  This helped me.  My husband was having the same issue.  Calling Xfinity is ridiculous and they weren’t even able to help me even after promising it would be resolved in a couple hours.  

11 Messages

1 year ago

Same issue Nov. 23 2023

Xfinity Community Forum > Internet > Email > Cannot Reset Password


Xfinity Community Forum > Internet > Email > Email password error

New Poster


9 Messages

1 year ago

I encountered a similar issue. I have my own Xfinity subscription, but my email is linked to my parents' account.

So, I connected to my parent's Wi-Fi, and it still didn't work. I called Xinfity, and they were running an automation script to fix the account. I told them I just wanted to change my password, LOL. After 30 minutes of waiting, I gave up and hung up.

Here is the solution. I logged into my parent's Xfinity account and reset the password from there. Problem solved



221 Messages

@AlphaKai​ how did you do that? I’m in the reverse. Where I have the primary account and my father has the secondary. However when logging into my account I can’t find any spot to reset the password. 

11 Messages

@MrJDubbs​ glad I see this post today, I just posted the exact issue yesterday. I'm having the same issues. I'm on my primary and see the secondary user listed now, but see no way to reset their password. Calling CSR was no help, but I guess I'll have to try that again!



95 Messages

Yes, You can change the password on the primary user, but on the list below that of secondary users there is no button to change those passwords on those emails.  We have 3 secondary users, and now have to set up 3 separate gmail accounts to serve as backups. That is if we can get customer security on the phone at all.

This is madness, we are in our 80’s, do not have smartphones, and have not been able to access are emails for 5 days now.  Emails we use for doctors and medical reasons.   I don’t know what to do.  



12 Messages

I totally understand what you're saying.  After 7 days with no way to change my password and 3 live chats with people promising me it will be fixed I'm at the ends of my rope! I too have important messages that I need to access and a sub file containing all my confirmations for a trip I am taking in 10 days where I need to print out ground transfers and schedules .  This is unacceptable that they have not fixed this yet. 



221 Messages

1 year ago

I just called and was able to get the password reset. She was extremely nice and very helpful. 

I had to create a new gmail account for her to add to the account, and she sent a password reset link to that email. Which I was able to use and it worked. 

took me like 20 mins 




95 Messages

Sir, what phone number did you call.  Did you call the Customer Security number or the regular Customer service number? 

11 Messages

1 year ago

30mins on hold for the CSR to take a few seconds to pretty much bypass the reset and give me the code over the phone. Total waste of time!

1 Message

1 year ago

Comcast Customer Service seriously needs to be updated - revised - reworked - improved! I've tried several times in December to pay my bill and could not do it due to the need to reset the password. Today I've been in the loop 3 different times to reset the password. Finally done when I actually talked to a human being! Highly frustrated!!!! Comcast's trouble issues would be decreased 25% if they simply provided a human being to talk to the first phone call!!!

Official Employee


1.3K Messages

@user_j3h5xo Thank you for taking your time to provide feedback. I will gladly share your experience with our leaders. It's good to hear that you were able to have everything corrected with our phone peers already, but please know that we are here to assist you as well with account and service needs. For specific security related issue like password reset we would have to refer you to our Customer Security Assurance team, but for most other issues and questions we can help out! 

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1 year ago

All of these reset problems arise because unless your device is connected to the exact WiFi of the account you are locked out of, you cannot reset without calling. When you call, they ask for the back up email account (non xfinity) and cell phone associated with account that is locked. Older email only accounts and vacation homes or rental units without back up email or cells are S.O.L. 

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20 Messages

what annoys me is (I am the family tech guy and know what i am doing) is that it SEEMS Xfinity cant see (wifi/wired directly ... multiple pcs/laptops and phones tried)  it says i am not on my home modem ... [Edited: "Language"] my laptop (main computer) is right next to ... under an inch away from said-modem and i am AT HOME ..... sending a pw reset code to my primary account's alt email (really a family member's but whatever) should not be this hard and i shouldn't have to call them up for something so simple ... [Edited: "Language"]if they could just do it without verifying THIS secondary account is associated in anyway would be fine too ... like even IF I DIDN'T have access to that alt email account (I do since as i said i am the "family tech guy") the real user could hypothetically just ignore that and move on.




95 Messages

1 year ago

I had to create 3 new Gmail accounts for the 3 xfinity emails that did not have a phone connected to those accounts.

In 2024 most people have 1 phone number which is their mobile phone.  Very few people also have an old fashion house phone at this point.  So you use that MOBILE phone for your primary recovery, but have to use the Gmail emails for the others.  It is a real serious PITA.

New Poster


2 Messages

1 year ago

I had this issue and solved it on my own in about 5 min without the endless loop of phone calls. Using my iPhone (because I procrastinated long enough on this for my service to be disconnected) I first “pretended as if I’d forgotten my username and looked it up. Once I found the username I used the forgot password link where I was then prompted to reset. Once I did that I was able to log in, update (add) my backup, non Xfinity email and pay my bill. Good luck people. 

Regular Visitor


20 Messages

Ok Xfinity ... now i have another issue.  I used this method and i finally got to a point where the alt email is getting the code ... i tried both codes but get the "this information does not match what is on record" message... WHAT? ... I REALLY want to avoid having to call up and waiting on hold.   I am not sure what this issue is now ... again this case for me is the master account and this is for a family member I am doing this for ... I totally got both emails with both codes but they both result in a message like i said "This information does not match what is on record"

Official Employee


2.8K Messages

@Qteenii Thank you for those steps. If anyone needs the links for finding the username and updating passwords:


visit the link: xfinity.com/username to locate your username

xfinity.com/password to update your password

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1 year ago

Just to confirm, you did this procedure while you were  connected to a different wifi than the one associated with your Comcast account? I.e., you were not at the physical comcast address, but somewhere else?

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