Frequent Visitor
13 Messages
Access SPAM Folder Third-party Client?
I access 3 Comcast mailboxes from a (non-Comcast) e-mail client. As each of those mailboxes deals (MOSTLY correctly) with SPAM by moving such to a SPAM folder - In effect - I'm not able to "see" the contents of any of the SPAM folders. AS 5 to 10 percent of the email identified as SPAM is NOT, I'd like to be able to review from my email client. (Yes, I know the Comcast mail app allows me to review the SPAM folders but, it would be MUCH more convenient to access those folders from my non-Comcast email client).
I thought the easiest way to do so would be to create a "Main Mailbox/Sub (SPAM)" address in my email client to view mail but I'm unable to do so.
In the alternative, could one utilize the current Comcast up Rules/Filters to identify SPAM and - rather than sending to a sub-folder - just forward to a 4th Mailbox - accessible by my client?
Seems there should be an easy work-around but 2 hours with Comcast "support" leads me to think otherwise.
TIA any suggestions?
Problem Solver
528 Messages
3 years ago
Hello! Thank you for reaching out to us! I'm happy to look into this for you! Do you still need assistance with this issue?
Frequent Visitor
13 Messages
3 years ago
Yes, I'd appreciate ANY suggestions.
FYI: Using the Comcast Mail client (App?) is really clunky. The client I use (just the simple Mail Client bundled with Windows - is quick and efficient - Allows me to view all my main mailboxes in a flash)
Gold Problem Solver
26.2K Messages
3 years ago
Have you tried setting these up as IMAP accounts instead of POP? In Thunderbird on my desktop, and in the native Email app on my cheapo Android phone, setting up an account as IMAP creates, instead of a "Spam" folder, a folder called "Junk" which contains the emails in the Comcast "Spam" folder. See
Frequent Visitor
13 Messages
3 years ago
Thanks to everyone who suggested solutions to my - apparently - poorly stated situation. I intended a deep dive into the entire issue over the weekend and - for the first time - saw the "All Folders" tab on the Microsoft Mail App I'd been using. Lo and behold, I was able to see (and deal with) each of the Junk or SPAM folders for each mailbox.
I was thrilled, relieved and...embarrassed.
FWIW: This discovery allows my to INSTANTLY see all my mailboxes and even get rid of the actual junk with no further attention.
Again, thanks for all the help (When I learn to read, I might improve my lot In life).