Amsato's profile



19 Messages

Tuesday, January 7th, 2020 4:00 PM


421 Excessive failed authentication

I see hundreds of posts in this forum about this subject dating all the way back to 2013.  I see no answers.  I have been struggling with this problem off and on for several years and now I can't send emails from Outlook any more.  I've used Outlook with Comcast as my server for over 20 years.  Now emails on all 3 of my computers keep getting stuck in the outbox.  The message " Task 'my email address - Sending' reported error (0x800CCC67) : '  The server responded: 421 resomata Excessive failed authentication, ESMTP server temporarily not available'  is displayed.


I don't want to/shouldn't have to give up OutLook.  The techs I talk to on the phone have been less than helpful.  Has anyone gotten any answers to this problem?



30 Messages

4 years ago

Amsanto, i am having the exact same problem. Mine started in January as well. I got the same error message: 0x800ccc67. The server responded 421 Excessive failed authentication ESMTP server temporarily unavailable.

I thought it was a problem with WHERE i am. Temporarily I am in Florida using Frontier as my ISP. The funny thing is I do get mail, but I cant send it on OUtlook, BUT i CAN  send it if I go to comcast web mail. have you tried that?

Did you ever get this resolved. I bought a new router and had it installed yesterday thinking that may help, but it did not. It only happens in the afternoon for about 6 hours I cannot send mail. Very weird.

Please respond



30 Messages

4 years ago

Please tell me how you resolved this situation. I would really appreciate it



30 Messages

4 years ago

I am having the exact same problem. Going on for over a year. Here is the wierdest thing, I have a home in Florida and it only happens when I am here. My home base is Phila, and I have no problem at all sending mail. On top of that, it only happens to me in the afternoons. From about 1pm to about 7 (using outlook) I cannot send mail. Yes I can use the webmail, but not Outlook. Can you give me some clues on who I can talk to that can help with this problem. Again, no problems when I use my Outlook in Phila. only when I am at this location in Florida. My isp here is Frontier.

Official Employee


103 Messages

4 years ago

@janismurph I am sending you a PM. 

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