1 Message
Zero Credit Limit Issue No resolution from 3 months
I'm trying to add new line to my account and get new device from Xfinity. Everytime I try to do this I get an error with zero credit limit. I have excellent credit history and Xfinity system is not able to perform the soft check on my credit. All my account are unlocked and Xfiniy support has no idea of that. I requested multiple time to raise a technical request and they never do that. They simple says connect with equifax and experian. They don't have the knowledge and says equifax/experian set credit limit in Xfinity system. When I connect with them over phone they suggest same thing to connect with equifax again and again. I'm sick of this support. It's purely a technical glitch and many people are facing this issue and there is no proper knowledge and team to fix this issue. I did chat and connected with call support at 888-936-4968. Also, they don't know that their system is not able to do the soft check. Not sure how support is working without having basic knowledge. Posting here to see if I can get some help as many faced the same issue. When I visit store they will get my mobile number and never gives a call back and never answers if I call them. Store is in Indianapolis.
Official Employee
1.1K Messages
3 months ago
1 Message
1 month ago
I’m also having this same issue. It’s getting tiring of doing a running around. Just to get told to call Experian or equifax.