Monday, March 25th, 2024 5:20 AM

xfinity cannot activate the phone number they gave me 2 years ago on my new device after I lost my phone

I don't understand how a modern era company can have no record of a phone number they assigned to a person. It is a huge hassle to have to update numerous sites with a new phone number. 

When I originally came to xfinity there was an issue with porting my old phone number. Fine, after a week of dicking around with it I said well, I don't want to have to pay two companies for phone service, so give me a new number. They made some kind of error and didn't associate the number they gave me with my account. 

I lost my phone last week, and while they show it is an xfinity number, they don't show that I am the owner for that number. I've been on the help line for hours already, and they tell me it is a very weird unusual problem.

Not according to Google. Apparently they have been forcing their customers to lose established numbers since 2017. While I am super bummed that I may lose the number I have attached to so many MFA apps, they lost people's numbers and could not recover them for people who've had the same number for 20 years! Offered them a $30 credit, strung them along for weeks then told them after 30 days there is nothing they can do. 

They know their phone number assignment system is a mess, have known it for years. There should be no way their company can assign a phone number to a phone in their in their system then be unable to assign it to a new phone by the same account holder, yet indeed, it isn't even unusual. Somewhere their code is utterly flawed and big bad Comcast/Xfinity cannot unbreak their code. This isn't a struggling company barely breaking even. Comcast is a huge company that has been in business for decades.

Ugh. We are not people to these companies. We are commodities, like beans. If they mess up a fundamental business application like a person's smart phone, they could care less.

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