Sunday, August 25th, 2024 12:54 AM

Smartwatch-It's a token of Our appreciation - Its a Reward - I'm paying double!

Several months ago during the debacle with the rebate for my phone when upgrading to the s24, an xfinity agent online who apologized numerous times for all the trouble I was having, offered me a free galaxy6 smartwatch for my troubles and in the end, it would be $2 and some change for 24 months.  How nice, I thought.  Turns out, anyone can get this, with their xfinity rewards, and he did not disclose the monthly fee.  Turns out he couldn't help me with any of my issues, but when the watch showed up, it was tied to the wrong phone number.  When I called in to fix it, the agent canceled the watch rather than assigning it to the correct phone number so that cancelled the warranty and product protection, billing credits, but NOT the billing which jumped to almost $15/month plus the $10+fees and taxes so my Gift from Xfinity is now almost $30/month, with no protection or warranty for the device.  The watch I did not want but agreed to for $50 is now going to cost me roughly $700 over the next two years.  I have tried to go through the xfinity assistant and call on this issue, but it seems no one a xfinity sees a problem offering goods as gifts of apology for having trouble with my service and then voiding it and slamming me with $700 in additional billing...for something I did not ask for or want.  Where did my billing credits go and why would you invalidate the warranty and product protection on something on a payment plan?  I think you should invalidate the payment plan for goods you invalidate the warranty and protection for with the same couple of clicks.  You have me paying twice what it was worth with warranty, now, its worth nothing, and that's what I should be paying.

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