1 Message
More than Angry. Xfinity has essentially stolen my phones
Long story short. I did the whole BYOB thing with 3 devices. I knew it was a little weird but for almost a year. No issue. Now however I have moved and service isnt available here. No big deal, I just move my phones and move on right? WRONG. For three weeks I have been trying to get the carrier lock removed from my devices.... MY DEVICES... Ones I bought fully, not financed. Bought them at the store in Layton Utah. Paid around 3700.00 To own them, because I didnt want to deal with this junk later.
Well here I am still dealing with it anyway.
So for the last 3 weeks. I have been trying to get this resolved. One of my devices is stuck in what is essentially activation Limbo. I canceled my internet services and so it cannot be activated unless I go to a store... 6 HOURS AWAY. Fine... Ill sacrifice a line... WRONG. my other two devices are ALSO carrier locked. There is NOTHING that can be done apparently unless I get a Tier 2 or Tier 3 support agent to call me back (There is no direct number) It can only be scheduled through the chat... Well every freaking time I try this they give me the run around to the point of me putting up this post.
I want my devices off Xfinity Mobile. This needs to happen asap so I can have phone service that can actually be managed in the area I moved to.
The devices are an S23 Ultra, and an IPhone 14 Plus. I own them. I bought Them. I need to get them on to another carrier. Someone... Anyone... Help me out here.
Official Employee
722 Messages
7 months ago
Good afternoon @JakeCrow. I'm sorry to hear about your negative experience trying to get your phones unlocked. If you send me a private message with your full name and address, I can look into what options we have to get this resolved.
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