Monday, July 15th, 2024 2:57 PM

Got wrong color phone.

Let me start at the beginning, on July 3rd I went onto the website and placed an order for upgrades for both my wife and son.  The system prompted me to do separate orders because of the trade in and that is what I did.  My wifes order went in just fine, and my son's order did as well.  However shortly after I got an email asking me to verify some information, which was to take pictures of my drivers license and submit it to one of your sites.  Not too long after that I got an email stating that my son's order was cancelled because the information that I submitted was not correct or something along those lines.  I figured it was flagged as potential fraud and that is why it did not go through.  I tried going back to the website several times over the next few days with no luck and kept getting a prompt that the system was having technical difficulties. Being a holiday I just decided to wait a few days and try again.  I then called the xfinity mobile service and explained that I was having trouble placing his order.  The young lady was very helpful but was not able to get it resolved.  She suggested I wait 2 days for the trade in offer on my son's phone to fall out of the system.  I gave it three days just in case.  Now is when it gets bad.  I was on the phone mostly on hold for almost 1 hour and a half to get my son's order placed.  She told me that I would be receiving a prepaid shipping label and instructions on where to ship my son's phone for the trade in.  I asked to check on the trade-in for my wife's phone and because so much time had past, I should have received something or gotten an email.  She told me that my wife's phone was not done as a trade-in but rather a replacement.  I told me that I remember putting in all the information for the trade-in and placed the order myself on the website and I don't see how it could have been done as a replacement and not as an upgrade.  I asked to speak to a supervisor about this and after waiting on hold for almost 30 minutes, I know it was 30 minutes because I drove from home to work and was still on hold the entire time.  When I finally got a supervisor on the phone, he was very rude.  I asked if I had to call the corporate office to get his resolved and he told "Go Ahead" in manner that made me feel like he was challenging me to do, or as if he didn't think I would have the nerve to make the call.  I even asked him if that is the way you speak to your customers then I would definitely be calling the corporate office, he again told me "Go Ahead" and if he didn't care what I said or did.  I ended up hanging up the phone because I didn't want to cause a scene at my job because of his attitude.   Not to long after I got of the phone with him, I looked at my email and noticed that the order which I just placed earlier that day was actually for the wrong phone.  I ordered a blue phone for my son and I was being shipped a pink one instead.  Because I was at work, I asked my wife to call back and see about getting the order corrected.  I also tried calling because I just happened to have a few minutes where I could make the call.  My wife was first told that it was too late to fix the order, and that it would have been canceled.  Because she could not get a hold me right away because I just happen to be on the phone with a different representative, the representative she spoke to offered to call him back and confirm if we wanted to cancel the order.  The lady I was speaking to told me that it was too late to cancel the order that I had to wait to receive the order and send it back and wait for my refund and then reorder the phone.  The other representative told me wife the same thing after he called her back.  I called back later on to see who soon I could get my son's phone reordered and the lady tried her best to get the new order processed but because I was at work and didn't have all of the information from my son's old phone, I decided to not even attempt to do the reorder.  I asked the lady if I was going to have a problem with the trade in on my son's phone especially after everything else that already gone wrong with his order.  She didn't know and didn't attempt to find out what could be done.
So right now, I am waiting for order to arrive today and have to call back again to start the return on the incorrect color phone.  Print out the Fedex label, ship it back, and start the process all over again.  Hopefully I will be still be able get the trade-on for my son's phone.  My wife's trade-in is as far as I can tell never going to happen and her phone was the more expensive and newer phone.  
For a long time now, I have been a fan of Comcast and their services, I even got my parents to switch over all of their services, including home security and mobile phones.  Because the store in my area was closed I would have to drive over an hour and half to the next closest store for any help so that is why I have been forced to do all of this over the phone.

Official Employee


1.4K Messages

3 months ago


Hello, @user_vq0ffj thanks for sharing this experience. Are you able to confirm if you have worked with our Xfinity Mobile team by chat as well? I know you've called. If you have called and chatted with our mobile team without a resolution we can take the next actions to help. Here is our chat link.




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