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Wednesday, January 24th, 2024 9:20 AM

Galaxy S22 Ultra Wi-Fi Calling Issues and SIM/ICCID Mismatch - calls & text not received and not sending- Any Solutions?

Has anyone else encountered persistent Wi-Fi calling issues on their Galaxy S22 Ultra with Xfinity? I've noticed disabling WIFI temporarily fixes missing calls and texts. But there's more; the ICCID on my SIM card never matches the one on my account, no matter how many replacements I get. This also affects my smartwatch pairing. And after activating a new smartwatch and using an Xfinity Gateway, it's all gone downhill. I'm seeking solutions or any advice on dealing with this. Here's a post discussing similar issues: https://forums.xfinity.com/conversations/network/calls-not-coming-through-using-wifi-calling/659dbbaf8f01ac51ddb8ae1c

Details of My Experience:

  • Duration & Impact: The call issues have persisted for several months, profoundly affecting both my personal and professional communications.
  • Efforts to Resolve: I have engaged with Xfinity representatives multiple times, both virtually and in-store, dedicating considerable time to troubleshooting without success.
  • Hours Invested: I've cumulatively spent several hours in these efforts, which has been a frustrating and time-consuming process.

Key Issues Identified:

  • Wi-Fi Calling Observation: After extensive testing, I noted that disabling WIFI occasionally resolves the call issue, suggesting a link to Wi-Fi calling functionalities.
  • SIM Card and ICC ID Mismatch: Despite repeated SIM card replacements by Xfinity, the ICCID on my SIM card never matches the one registered to my account. This mismatch persists regardless of the number of replacements.
  • Smartwatch Activation & Gateway Usage: The onset of these issues coincided with a new smartwatch activation and starting to use an Xfinity Gateway.
  • IMEI Discrepancy: The IMEI number on my phone does not match the one registered in my Xfinity account, complicating the smartwatch pairing.

Broader Implications:

  • Widespread Issue Potential: Considering the similarity to the forum post, this might be a more common problem than realized, with many customers potentially affected.
  • Lack of Representative Training: There seems to be a gap in Xfinity's representative training concerning these specific technical issues.

Current Status:

  • I am currently exploring potential causes, with the only tangible lead being the temporary fix achieved by turning off Wi-Fi.

Call to Action:

  • I strongly encourage Xfinity to investigate these issues, update their system, and adequately train their staff for such scenarios.
  • The critical nature of reliable communication in today's world cannot be overstated, and the ongoing issues I've faced underscore the urgent need for robust and reliable mobile services.
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