1 Message
Corporate Complaint
What is a phone number or email for the corporate office to file a complaint? I've spent hours on the phone with customer service without any viable results!
1 Message
What is a phone number or email for the corporate office to file a complaint? I've spent hours on the phone with customer service without any viable results!
Official Employee
2K Messages
2 months ago
1 Message
1 month ago
I need to file a complaint to corporate. XFINITY stole money from our account and instead of issuing a refund, they sent us a bill. Our bank has not received a credit/ chargeback to our account, but they are insisting that they sent it. I have been trying to resolve this issue since October of 2024. I have spoken to a dozen different CSR and supervisors. I need the email address to file an official complaint. There is no longer a DM button to send a message on this page.
1 Message
24 days ago
I was charged for 2 extra phones and charged the amount of about $50. more than I should have been for 7 months. I should have caught it earlier but thought it was the cable charge not the mobile phone charge. After 5 calls that lasted well over an hour talking to the billing department, the fraud department and several others, I was told that I must have had 3 phones. I never had more than one phone. The money is around $200. that I am owed but that is beside the point. I felt like they were not believing me and I was being given the runaround. I felt like calling the CEO and talking to him directly.
1 Message
11 days ago
I need some resolution!!!!! I have been dealing with this since December 14th. Fraud, lies, getting spam calls from fake xfinity employees , inside job stolen phone the list is endless.... I need resolution. My brother is an attorney and we will be doing something with this soon.