Friday, March 15th, 2024 8:22 PM


Rita [Edited: "Personal Information"]

Email: [Edited: "Personal Information"]

ACCOUNT#: [Edited: "Personal Information"]


I am beyond livid and frustrated!!  I have spoken with so many customer service members via phone and have been to the Xfinity store so many times to speak with their representatives that I feel like a dog on a leash who has been constantly lead around in circles. And of course like him/her, I have gotten no- where with this issue. 

The issue I’m having is I stated service with Xfinity mobile in January of 2024. Since, having the service I have experienced nothing but issues. I would be talking and would experience dropped calls in the middle of conversations; multiple times. Next, I would attempt to call out and “no service” message: many times in a day. I would try to call to check on my daughter, call would not go through and vice versa when she attempted to call me same result. I travel a lot for business and this was unacceptable. I thought about, “What if there was an emergency and my daughter had to reach me or anyone else for that matter and she could not because the phone had one of those episodes where she could not dial out. The thought terrified me!

I spoke with many representatives and they tried a couple of trouble shooting methods but the issue was not resolved. So, I made the decision to cancel the mobile service and return the devices. Now, here is where the issue begins. 

 I spoke with a representative on February 17, 2024 named Joe who worked in department Tier 3. He created a Ticket #[Edited: "Personal Information"] and he said to wait 7 days and I would receive a response via email letting me know if my return would be approved or not. I waited about 10 days and no response. I called Xfinity again on 2/28/24 and spoke with another Representative to follow up. He told me the claim had been approved and I could just take the phones to the nearest Xfinity store. I asked if it mattered if the phones were ordered online because I thought the devices should be returned the same way I received them. He said it did not matter. I went to the Xfinity store on Saturday and spoke with representatives and the manager and I was told they could not return phones. They said the representative should have printed out me a return label for me to send phones back. They said he provided incorrect information. So, I left the store and called a representative. Next, representative (Jasper) on 3/4/23 via phone, informed me that the claim the 1st rep said was approved; was in fact denied. I told rep I did not feel it was right that I should still have to be responsible for phones when Xfinity did not hold up there end of providing the best quality of phone service. I told him to view how many times I called in with complaints about service and he looked at my account, read the notes and he agreed. Since, the system would not allow him to print out a return label he provided me with an address to return mobile devices. He instructed me to send them off via FED EX. The address he provided was: [Edited: "Personal Information"] He assured me this was the Xfinity warehouse. On my way to Fed Ex something just told me to call Xfinity to check the address because I did not want to be responsible for lost devices during shipping. I called and was informed by another Xfinity rep (Jim) on 3/9/24 that they could not verify if this was the correct address because they don’t usually provide customers with an address to return products. OMG! Another dead end!  Jim, did his best to remedy this situation or so I thought. He instructed me to take the devices to FED EX and tell them I wanted to do an “Unsolicited Return.” Jim said that when I told Fed Ex this they would handle the rest. Well, when I got to FED Ex they informed me, they could do nothing without a shipping label which the rep should have printed out so I could return the items. Frustrated, is not an adequate word to describe how I feel at this point! But, I will not give up!! This is not right!!!

On March 14, 2024 I make another attempt to reach an Xfinity rep by phone. I was given the same information, “cannot return phones because it is pass the number of days they give you for returns.” Even, after checking all the notes of the issues I had been having since February trying to get these items returned. They also said that some of the representatives I spoke with did not put in the notes I had spoken with them or what was said. Furthermore, the instructions some of the representatives gave me were different from the notes they put in. I was flabbergasted!! To say the least!! 

 I spoke with 3 representatives on this date in March and a Supervisor but was
 Still getting nowhere.  I asked to speak with someone higher up and was told there was no one I could speak with after speaking with a Supervisor (Billy, works in billing, Dept. Manager). So, I asked how could I contact Corporate and no one had this information. Representative Christine who works on the Advance Team in the mobile dept. gave me an email for complaints. The email is we_can_help@cable.comcast.com. I will be sending them this letter also along with Corporate which I goggled in search of contact information. I have never experienced such horrible customer service and unfair treatment. I should not have to keep devices and pay for them when the quality of the phone service provided did not meet the expectations that were advertised. The Xfinity mobile service was cancelled and the phones should be able to be returned. Hopefully, I can reach the right person to get this matter resolved. 


Rita [Edited: "Personal Information"]

Official Employee


1.6K Messages

4 months ago

Hi @user_23bv6n 

Thank you for reaching out. I see you've been through a lot, and I can certainly understand the frustration. I appreciate you taking the time to create a detailed post for us to review. We are limited on actions we can take on Xfinity Mobile accounts, however, I can work this get this up to the right team.

I ask that you reach out privately, so we can cover the details of your account. You can start by clicking the chat icon located in the top right corner of your forums page when signed in. Once there, you can direct your messages to "Xfinity Support." Please add your full name and service address to help us locate your account. Let me know if you have any questions.

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