4 Messages
Xfinity Video Doorbell Doesn't Ring Inside
i have an xfinity door bell that is connected it rings outside but does not ring inside the house it use to ring on its own in the middle of the night if it was windy our side now I don't hear anything inside
Official Employee
1.6K Messages
1 month ago
Hello, @user_5e2khi! Thank you for visiting the Xfinity Community Forum with your Xfinity Video Doorbell concern. We've turned your comment on this user's post into its own post under your username in order to properly address any concerns you still have. And you've come to the right place for support! Our Digital Care Team is awesome to work with because we'll do everything we can to review and resolve issues quickly. We can even schedule a Trouble Call (tech visit) if an in-person assessment is needed. May I ask if this doorbell was self-installed or professionally installed? And when was the doorbell first put in?
4 Messages
1 month ago
The doorbell was install twice by xfinity