Are you referring to the Weather app on your X1 guide? Try using these steps to access the app:
Press the Xfinity button on your remote control. Using the arrow buttons, highlight Apps and press OK. The Apps option of the menu is selected. This is the fifth option in the horizontal menu.
Scroll down to the News & info row, highlight the Weather app and press OK. Here you can view your current forecast, or select OK on Extended forecast. Press the OK button to view the extended forecast. Press OK on the Current forecast button to return to the current forecast. Current forecast appears. Extended Forecast button is highlighted. It's the first button on the left.
The Extended Forecast screen. Current forecast button is highlighted. It's the first button on the left.
Use the left arrow and right arrows to view your saved weather locations or to add a new location. View my locations screen with list of saved locations
Official Employee
2.2K Messages
20 days ago
Hello, @user_ujqqck
Are you referring to the Weather app on your X1 guide? Try using these steps to access the app:
Press the Xfinity button on your remote control.
Using the arrow buttons, highlight Apps and press OK.
The Apps option of the menu is selected. This is the fifth option in the horizontal menu.
Scroll down to the News & info row, highlight the Weather app and press OK.
Here you can view your current forecast, or select OK on Extended forecast.
Press the OK button to view the extended forecast.
Press OK on the Current forecast button to return to the current forecast.
Current forecast appears. Extended Forecast button is highlighted. It's the first button on the left.
The Extended Forecast screen. Current forecast button is highlighted. It's the first button on the left.
Use the left arrow and right arrows to view your saved weather locations or to add a new location.
View my locations screen with list of saved locations