Friday, May 3rd, 2024 10:18 AM


Want to ADD Access to View security cameras


I want steps on how to give my sons access to view my home security footage 

Official Employee


2.4K Messages

11 months ago

Hello, @user_704eae

Keep an eye on your home from anywhere using your smartphone or other device. Use the Xfinity app or Xfinity Home app** to easily review all of your videos from the past several days, or use motion and timestamps to go straight to the action – plus, download and share memorable events! 


Gold Problem Solver


26.3K Messages

11 months ago

The Employee's answer, such as it is, appears to be from https://www.xfinity.com/support/articles/24-7-video-recording-faqs.

Problem Solver


502 Messages

10 months ago

That would require you giving your child your account login and password so that person could access the Xfinity app or Home app. Does he live in your home? He can view cameras from the touchscreen if you have Home security and the TV. When we set up our Home system, at that time many years ago we were told to never give anyone access to our Home account or it’s master code that we use to change settings on the touchscreen. However, we were able to create a code for each child to arm and disarm our security system if we were not available to do so. When a child is visiting they were taught how to turn on lights from the voice remote also. Other than that, when we are away and someone needs in our home to feed a house pet, I disarm remotely. Keep and eye on cameras and when that person leaves, I rearm the system. None of my children seem to mind having that limited access. 

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