2 Messages
Touchscreen Interference Daily
Starting on Monday 6/24/24 we have received a touchscreen is jammed at 3:25 pm and then Signal Interference Resolved at 3:37 pm. We don't know why this is happening, nothing seems to be wrong, all of the doors and windows are closed. What could be causing the issue?
Accepted Solution
Problem Solver
502 Messages
9 months ago
Nothing you are doing is causing it. There may be an internet issue in your area that techs need to address. When we had Home Pro we experienced it from time to time. Coincidently our issue started after the electric company replaced our smart meter. XFINITY blamed it on that. I doubt it was the problem. The tech moved the touchscreen. I moved it back a day later because it was put in an inconvenient location. Keep it away from your microwave. Reboot your router and your touchscreen and it may stop for a while. I think what did eventually stopped it was that we replaced the outlet that it was plugged into. Maybe something is wrong with your touchscreen. I don’t think Xfinity knows for sure but it happens to a lot of people from time to time.
Official Employee
2.1K Messages
9 months ago
Hello, user_ol06hv, and thank you for joining us here on the Xfinity Forums. And, thank you @Lkpolo for sharing. Was the info provided helpful?