303 Messages
The Xfinity Home Online Portal is going away
Just got an email that effective March 11th the online portal is going away. Just one more instance where Xfinity is removing features and not getting anything back in the process. They state that we can do everything on the app that we can do on the portal but this isn't the case. The only way to view 24 hour access to the cameras that we pay for is through the portal. On the app we can only see the events where motion is detected. When is Xfinity going to actually add features instead of removing them? If it wasn't for the hassle of having to switch to another provider, I would be out of here, and might change anyway.
Problem Solver
502 Messages
4 years ago
Copied from my email:
For customers with 24/7 video recording, now view every second of your recorded video
Official Employee
519 Messages
4 years ago
Hi spacecadet!
The ability to review every second of 24/7 footage is available in the Xfinity App (previously known as the xFi App) - make sure to download the latest version as a companion to the Xfinity Home app! This is also where you can set up Camera Motion Notifications.
More new features are going to be introduced in the future, and all of our development work will be focused on our mobile apps (where most people manage Xfinity Home).
303 Messages
4 years ago
Found it. Was accessing the cameras through the home app. Seems confusing that it is available through xfi and not the Home app. Hopefully this will change as I use the Home app to access my alarms and lights as well as the cameras. Shouldn't have to go to the Xfi app to see the 24 hour feed of the camera.
Problem Solver
502 Messages
4 years ago
Problem Solver
502 Messages
4 years ago
Official Employee
519 Messages
4 years ago
Right now, the Xfinity Home app is the core app that XH subscribers use to manage their Xfinity Home service. While you can certainly continue to use the XH App to view cameras and motion clips, the Xfinity App is where you can go for the full-featured camera expereince to manage 24/7 Recording, Motion Notifications, as well as additional upcoming enhancements... and the Xfinity App offers many other features - especially if you have our xFi service and Advanced Security with Xfinity Internet.
I agree that it is a little cumbersome to need to go to two places right now (whether that be the XH App and Web Portal, or the XH App and Xfinity App as we transition), but rest assured that our aim is to make it as easy as possible for everyone to manage all of their services wtih us, and make them work even better together.
As more and more folks rely on mobile devices and apps rather than web portals, it's important for our App experience to be best-in-class... that is our focus and is the ultimate goal!
Problem Solver
502 Messages
4 years ago
That helps a ton. Thank you for that. So I forgot both of our Apple watches that haven't been connected since 9/25. I still have one iPhone of mine called iPhone SE-3 that was connected on 1/30 because it seems to connect intermittently, which is kinda confusing. It seems that my iPhone gets renamed a lot even though I don't leave our home WiFi network as much as my husband's iPhone. His iPhone was only renamed once and that is when the original iOS update came out in September of 2020.
Official Employee
519 Messages
4 years ago
While that's a little Off Topic for this thread, this might prove helpful to you. Apple made some recent security updates. They now provide a different MAC Address every time a device connects to a new WiFi Network. MAC addresses used to be static and made it very easy to identify a unique device. Since they made this change, updates to the device can cause it it to provide a new MAC Address, which xFi then sees as a new deivce.
Here is some detail from our FAQ, available here:
Why am I seeing another copy of my iOS device?
Comcast is making sure that the current xFi functionality continues to function after the new updates to your iPhone and iPad devices. As a result, there is a small chance that a duplicate version of your iOS device could appear in xFi. When you have a duplicate device, you’ll want to remove the original device from xFi, and keep the duplicate device – making sure that the duplicate is named the way you want, and if desired, assigned to a user profile.
How do I check for duplicate devices?
Check in your profile, or in the list of not connected devices under Devices in the Connect tab to see if there are any disconnected iOS devices that should be connected. If you find one, look for a duplicate of this device under Devices, in the Connect tab.
If I have a duplicate device, how do I make sure I have only one active device in xFi?
First, find the original, inactive device. If it's assigned to a profile, go to People in the xFi app and select the original, disconnected device listed under your profile. Otherwise, find the device in the Devices list on the Connect tab. Tap Device Details and select Forget Device at the bottom of the screen.
To assign the active device to a profile:
303 Messages
4 years ago
I actually use the Xfinity Home on the web portal quite a bit and will really hate to see it go. It is much easier when I am on the computer and want to check a camera or adjust a thermostat to do it on the portal rather than have to open the app (which is very slow loading) on my phone. Also, if I want to check a video recording I can get a much larger and better picture on the computer than on the phone. Wish it would stay as is.
Official Employee
519 Messages
4 years ago
As today is the day the XH Online Portal is being retired, I wanted to provide the following FAQ which was posted this morning:
If anyone has any questions that aren't addressed in the FAQ or in this thread, please post it here - Thanks!
New Poster
4 Messages
4 years ago
Not at all happy here. I don't have an iphone nor do I want one. Checking on my vacant home from my desktop PC was very nice for me.
Can anyone recommend one of those emulators that will allow me to run the app on my PC?
6 Messages
4 years ago
{edited for violating forum guidelines}
6 Messages
4 years ago
I agree this is very stupid it was a great format to check your cameras and security activities. I work in a place I am not aloud to have a phone so I relied on this service to check my house. Now i can't and will look into another security service.
New Poster
2 Messages
4 years ago
What the hellll? I am not allowed to have a cell phone because of the high security at my place of employment. I have a PC but can no longer access my home! HOW DARE COMCAST JUST ARIBTRARILY TAKE THIS AWAY!! I have had Comcast for most of my life and this is how they treat their customers??? There MUST be a way to get around this! Why, Why, WHY would Xfinity take away the ONLY control I have during the day to my home security? What else will they take away? I expect Xfinity to do some sort of work around for people that are in my situation. I want an explanation of why this is was done and I expect Xfinity to return to this access. HOW DARE YOU COMCAST, OR XFINITY, OR WHOEVER YOU ARE!!!
New Poster
4 Messages
4 years ago
Yes. [Edited: "Language"].
When I asked about this a month or so ago, a Comcast employee told me that the portal would still be available. Apparently, he was mistaken. It's hard to understand why the portal cannot still be accessible even if Comcast doesn't want to expend time an effort to maintain it.