1 Message
Security touchscreen
The touchscreen keeps throwing up a message saying it can’t connect to the WiFi. I have gone through the process to connect to WiFi and it’s fine for a bit. Also, none of the weather info displays on the home screen anymore. What’s going on?
Official Employee
1K Messages
1 year ago
Hi there! I hate to hear about the troubles you are experiencing with your touchscreen. Have you tried restarting? Below are the steps to restart Your Touchscreen.
On your Home screen:
Swipe up to open the dashboard (if applicable), tap the gear icon, then tap Devices.
Or, if your touchscreen has apps, tap Settings.
Enter your four digit Master Keypad Code.
On the Categories screen, tap Advanced Settings.
Tap Restart Touchscreen.
Enter your four digit Master Keypad Code.
That's it - the touchscreen will take approximately one to three minutes to restart.