Thursday, August 29th, 2024 10:53 PM


Xfinity.com access in PC

I can't sign into Xfinity.com. Get message: Access denied. You don't have permission to acccess "http://login.xfinity.com/login" on this server.

   I can login with no trouble on my mobile. I can't reach tech support, because the Live Assistant doesn't ask me the right questions.



108.8K Messages

6 months ago

Concern moved here to the Customer Service help section for greater exposure to Comcast corporate employees (The Digital Care Team) for assistance.

Official Employee


1.8K Messages

6 months ago


user_9pxaz2, I’m sorry to hear that you’re having trouble signing into Xfinity.com on your computer, especially when it’s working fine on your mobile. I understand how frustrating it can be not to get the help you need from the Live Assistant. I’d love to assist you in getting this resolved. Sometimes clearing your browser's cache or trying a different browser can help with access issues. If that doesn’t work, please send me a direct message with more details, and I’ll make sure you get the support you need.



Thank you for bringing this to my attention, and I’m here to help every step of the way!

4 Messages

I have cleared the cache in both Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge, and have restarted my computer, all multiple times...even tried it on different days. I've logged in with both my phone number and my email. I get the Access Denied message no matter what I do...even trying it on different days.

   Would it be possible for us to work on this together live on the phone, rather than typing back and forth on my little cellphone?


Official Employee


1.8K Messages


user_9pxaz2 We can certainly understand wanting a phone call, as communication over social media does not always work best during a busy day! However, when working with our team and keeping our communications on this platform, we have all the tools and resources necessary not only to troubleshoot this login issue but also can pick up directly from where we've left off, if you'd needed to be step away from here! To get started, please send our team a Direct Message with your full name, the name listed on the account (if different), and the service address associated with your account. 


To send a "Direct Message" message:

Click "Sign In" if necessary

Click the "Direct Messaging" icon at the top of the page (looks like a text bubble)

Click the "New message" (pencil and paper) icon

Type "Xfinity Support" in the "To:" line and select "Xfinity Support" from the drop-down list that appears. The "Xfinity Support" graphic replaces the "To:" line

Type your message in the text area near the bottom of the window

Press Enter to send it


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4 Messages

I tried to send you a Direct Message from my PC, as you requested, but not able to since I can't sign in. I tried using a completely differnt email and new password, but still get the Access Denied message.

Official Employee


1.8K Messages

That's definitely strange @user_9pxaz2, and we're sorry to hear that you are having trouble sending us a Direct Message. Have you tried clearing cache and cookies? May I ask what web browser you are using? We do typically recommend Google Chrome. 


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4 Messages


I don't have access to Direct Message, as I can't sign in. Some wrote that I definitely can Zdirect Message. However, when I click on the balloon, it asks me who I am trying to reach. I typed in XfinityChristy, I typed in XfinityCustomerSupport. Nothing is working.



31.2K Messages

6 months ago


If you are signed in here, which you are, you are able to send a direct message.

To send a direct message:
Click "Sign In" if necessary
• Click the "Direct Message" icon in the upper right
• Click the "New message" (pencil and paper) icon just to the right of Conversations
• Type "Xfinity Support" in the "To:" line not the Employee's name
• Type your message in the text area near the bottom of the window
• Press Enter to send it

6 months ago

Yes, i had the same issue. Not sure if anyone else is having this issue. We are getting an error that says "Sorry, there seems to be a problem here." XRE-03121 when we try to very channels. This is very frustrating as we are paying for this service.  Once again xfinity, you have failed. 

Official Employee


1.8K Messages


UR_b435d4sf5gfd Hello! Thank you for your reply. When you can, please send a Direct Message with your full name and address. Here are instructions on how to send us a DM in case you need them:

 Click "Sign In" if necessary
  • Click the "Direct Message" icon (upper right corner of this page)
  • Click the "New message" (pencil and paper) icon
  • Type "Xfinity Support" in the to line and select "Xfinity Support" from the drop-down list
  • Type your message in the text area near the bottom of the window
  • Press Enter to send your message


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10 Messages

well, I'll add on to this, since I'm having the same problem for the last few weeks off and on,  and it's really annoying and so far I've seen no good answers or explanations except 'we're aware of the problem and are working to fix it.' for 4+ months that people have been having the access denied problem?

I usually just log in to my webmail by itself. I get the 'access denied' about every 2-3 days now. I can usually find a login link that gets me into some part of my account, and then I can access the webmail. but that may take 4-5 different pages for logging in before one works (and why? isn't the log in the same system for all pages/services?), wasting all kinds of time waiting for the log in to load for user name and then password and finally a working page (why is it so slow?). And please do NOT tell me to clear history/cache/cookies, tried that multiple times, does nothing. SOMETIMES closing the browser and opening again works too, but more time wasted, and proof that it's not us, it's you, and intermittent.

I'm using a desktop pc, and have no smart phone or other device. I keep seeing you say "Click the "Direct Message" icon (upper right corner of this page)", but as others have said, there is NO such icon showing to me, logged in or not, and have disabled my adblock program too. Where exactly is this supposed icon and why does it not show to some of us? All I see in the upper right is icons for email, stream, home, x-fi, voice and mobile.

I'm using two Firefox ESR versions, one is the latest one but not my usual one, and yes I know it's 'outdated', but I refuse to get chrome, and for something as simple as an icon, that should show on any version browser no matter the age, it's just an image. Besides, this access problem is affecting new updated browsers and phones too, so sending you more personal info isn't going to help you much. I have yet to see any responses that FIX the problem. I'm in Florida on the west coast that's been hit by 2 hurricanes this fall, so dunno if that's messed with your local system (kudos to getting it running so quickly after Milton tho), but the complaints are coming from all over.

so since comcast already admits they know about the problem, when are they going to fix it?


Official Employee


3.1K Messages

@chuck1956 Thank you for taking the time to reach out to us here on our Xfinity Forums. We definitely understand how important it is to be able to access your email. I understand that you are using Firefox to access your webmail. Can you try a different web browser and let me know if you run into the same issue? 

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10 Messages

I only have firefox, else I would have mentioned another browser. as noted by many others, this issue affects ALL browsers, new or old. I just saw a post from an agent that said to call your Customer Security team and that fixed the problem for that customer, but the customer never came back to say what the fix was. we all hate calling CS and getting the stupid phone menu and getting transferred 3 times. surely you can find out what the fix was, and if they're still working to fix it in all areas? and again, there is no Direct Message icon I can see to click.

I was able to log in normally today, but tomorrow? who knows.


Official Employee


2.1K Messages


chuck1956, Hi there! Thanks for confirming this for us and great question. In researching this further, I see that our awesome engineers have now resolved this known issue with accessing emails on our webmail server. I am happy to hear that you were able to successfully log in today. While we have you and if you have time, would you like us to view the account details to see if we can find more ways to save money on your services?


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108.8K Messages

1 month ago

5 Moth old thread now being closed.

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