

3 Messages

Tuesday, January 17th, 2023 3:08 AM


Xfinity store wouldn’t let me return a cable box

Went to a physical xfinity store today and the woman working wouldn’t let me return a cable box. I went to return 2 (I have multiple in my house and trying to cut costs) and she let me return the smaller box but said my bigger box is a “main” box so I can’t return it. Has anyone run into this? I didn’t know this was a thing, I have boxes from multiple years so they all look different but most are the larger size. 

Problem Solver


919 Messages

2 years ago

You cannot return all cable boxes on a Cable Plan. Also, the main box is required to operate the satellite boxes. 

If you have the XiD / Xi3 / Xi6 Boxes elsewhere in the house then you cannot return your main DVR box or it will disable all the Xi Boxes. They contain no tuners and need the main box to function. 

Here is a comparison of equipment: 

X1 TV Box Comparison — DVR vs. Non-DVR - Xfinity Support




3 Messages

@Tek​ I just looked and it’s an X1 non DVR…so I should be able to return it. I never use this box since it’s in my basement and have never recorded DVR on it which is why I didn’t think it would be a problem to return it. 



340 Messages

2 years ago

Hello @user_0a4770 you have the option to stream on all TVs. I'd like to look into your request to return the box. Please send us a DM with your full name and address.


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340 Messages

2 years ago

@user_0a4770 That is true, you should have no issues with returning it. I can go ahead and remove the cable box from your account. Please send over a DM with your full name and address. -Yvonne



3 Messages

@XfinityYvonne​ I just checked the box again and it’s actually a XG1-P. I don’t see that listed on the box comparison site. Is this eligible to be returned?

Problem Solver


502 Messages

Our team would be happy to help with checking into this box further for you! Please send us a direct message to review your account. 

I no longer work for Comcast.

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