1 Message
Xfinity gateway setup
Can’t pass “finalizing Setup” step without an error occurring. After speaking to an agent they reccomended “swapping” the gateway for another. How would I do that?
1 Message
Can’t pass “finalizing Setup” step without an error occurring. After speaking to an agent they reccomended “swapping” the gateway for another. How would I do that?
Official Employee
4.2K Messages
11 months ago
Hey, user_34hmt7! Thanks for reaching out to us on the forums! I apologize to hear that you are having issues with getting your modem fully activated. Looking at the modem it looks to have a certain bootfile that is causing the issue. so you can do two things.
1. You can try to reach out to our Customer Security Assurance (CSA) team to see if they are able to get a signal sent to the modem that will allow it to be activated. They can be reached at 1-888-565-4329 8:00am - 12:00am EST.
2. Take the modem to your local Xfinity store and have it swap out free of charge. This would be the fastest way to to get a new modem.