1 Message
Xfi pod overheating
I just discovered that the outlet where my Xfi pod was plugged into was extremely hot to the touch and the plastic cover to the outlet is scorched. It caused extreme heat to the wall above the outlet. It seems the outlet has been damaged to the point where it is unsafe to have the power on and it appears this issue has caused damaged to the wiring within the outlet making it a fire hazard when the power is on, even without anything plugged into it. I have turned off the power and have called an electrician. Looking at past posts, it appears this is a serious issue with this product. Since the most recent post about this is from July 2023, I am posting to document my experience and to report that this product continues to be an ongoing fire hazard that could cause someone serious harm. I am also curious to hear if anyone else has recently had the same problem and if Xfinity has addressed this. It sounds like Xfinity’s response is to tell folks to inquire about a return. Obviously this is a much bigger issue that won’t be addressed with an exchange or return.
108K Messages
1 year ago
The concern is not "Home Security Devices And Equipment" help related. Topic moved here to the proper help section, and for greater exposure to Comcast corporate employees (The Digital Care Team) for assistance.
Official Employee
1.8K Messages
1 year ago
Hello @user_z59wly, and thank you for reaching out with this concern. I can understand your concern, and I am happy to help with getting a replacement if needed. You can also share your feedback here about the device for awareness if there is anything we haven't already been made aware of https://collect.iperceptions.com/?lID=1&rn=123531&pID=1&hs1=102214&hs2=91787&siteID=1&referrer=Link&sdfc=03b756c0-123531-0dcbb1db-cd59-44d5-8c25-4e78d3da0dac&source=91787&destination=commentcard&width=680&height=750&AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport=1. Any and all information you can provide about the experience is appreciated. Please let me know if you would like assistance with getting a replacement.