9 Messages
Virtual Prepaid Mastercard Debit Card Balance
My available balance is only $51.54. However I have only used $118.62 out of the original $180.00 loaded. My ending balance is $61.38 which is correct. How do I get the additional $9.84 to be reflected in my available balance so I can use the entire $180.00? Thank you.
Accepted Solution
31.1K Messages
5 months ago
To me it looks as though your balance is $61.38, which is your beginning balance as of 9/1/2024. Do you remember spending $10.20 somewhere which would make it seem as though your balance is $51.18? It seems to me, like an online bank ledger, there is a pending payment that doesn't show on the statement. Did you perhaps get gas at Sam's, where they might have a "hold" on the purchase?
Official Employee
2.2K Messages
5 months ago
Hi there! Thanks for taking the time to reach out to us today. There may have been an activation fee. Can you check the ledger of transactions?
9 Messages
5 months ago
Thank you Xfinity for the $180 gift card offer to all Veterans. It's too bad that the card issuer you are using is stealing about $10 from the benefit. It's not uncommon for a gift card issuer to skim $2 or $3 from each card because it's hard to transact an exact amount down to a $0 balance. However I think that $10 is excessive and no different from theft. Please make sure the folks in the Xfinity Rewards program are aware of this problem.