chilinux's profile



48 Messages

Wednesday, August 19th, 2020 4:00 PM


Unlimited Data no longer available with customer owned DOCSIS modem?!?!

I have a friend that is near their data limit for the month.  They currently use their own DOCSIS modem for connecting to the Internet via Comcast and wish to continue to do so.


When contacting Comcast Customer service, they were told the Unlimited Data option is no longer available and has been replaced by xFi Complete.  Customer service was very insistent that xFi Complete had to be purchased and that Unlimited Data is not available any other way.


The information I can find on Comcast's website is not consistent with what Comcast Customer service states.  What I found is this:


This web page lists Unlimited Data with "Your Own Equipment" as being it's own seperate thing.  Based on the information on this web page, xFi Complete replaces the customer owned equipment.


Which is correct?  The Xfinity website or Comcast Customer service?


If the website is correct, why is Comcast Customer service outright refusing a request to sign up for Unlimited Data as requested by the customer?


If Comcast Customer service is correct, why hasn't the webpage been updated to be consistent with what customer service has stated?


Gold Problem Solver


26.2K Messages

5 years ago, under "Unlimited data, no overages", says that Unlimited represents a "$30 a month value". Why $30? says:


For customers who lease an xFi Gateway, the Unlimited Data Option is available via the xFi Complete package. For customers who own their own modem, there is a $30 monthly fee.

Have your friend call back in the hope of reaching a competent rep.



31.2K Messages

5 years ago

@chilinux wrote:

@BruceW wrote:, under "Unlimited data, no overages", says that Unlimited represents a "$30 a month value". Why $30? says:


For customers who lease an xFi Gateway, the Unlimited Data Option is available via the xFi Complete package. For customers who own their own modem, there is a $30 monthly fee.

Have your friend call back in the hope of reaching a competent rep.

It took 4 music on holds and 30 minutes the first time only to accomplish nothing.


Why does it take more than one call to customer service for a simple request of "please add the unlimited data option to my existing internet plan with customer owned equipment"??


Also, why when the customer chooses their own equipment does it cost $5 more per month than xFi Complete?  This pricing structure seems arbitrary, predatory and self serving.  There is no possibly way I can recommend using a Comcast controlled Wifi access point given the number of reports of data security/privacy breaches related to Comcast that have already been reported in 2020.


You don't need to have Xfi Complete to get unlimited data at a reasonable price:


And, FWIW, your friend should be the one posting here.



48 Messages

5 years ago

@BruceW wrote:, under "Unlimited data, no overages", says that Unlimited represents a "$30 a month value". Why $30? says:


For customers who lease an xFi Gateway, the Unlimited Data Option is available via the xFi Complete package. For customers who own their own modem, there is a $30 monthly fee.

Have your friend call back in the hope of reaching a competent rep.

It took 4 music on holds and 30 minutes the first time only to accomplish nothing.


Why does it take more than one call to customer service for a simple request of "please add the unlimited data option to my existing internet plan with customer owned equipment"??


Also, why when the customer chooses their own equipment does it cost $5 more per month than xFi Complete?  This pricing structure seems arbitrary, predatory and self serving.  There is no possibly way I can recommend using a Comcast controlled Wifi access point given the number of reports of data security/privacy breaches related to Comcast that have already been reported in 2020.




48 Messages

5 years ago

@Again wrote:

@chilinux wrote:

@BruceW wrote:, under "Unlimited data, no overages", says that Unlimited represents a "$30 a month value". Why $30? says:


For customers who lease an xFi Gateway, the Unlimited Data Option is available via the xFi Complete package. For customers who own their own modem, there is a $30 monthly fee.

Have your friend call back in the hope of reaching a competent rep.

It took 4 music on holds and 30 minutes the first time only to accomplish nothing.


Why does it take more than one call to customer service for a simple request of "please add the unlimited data option to my existing internet plan with customer owned equipment"??


Also, why when the customer chooses their own equipment does it cost $5 more per month than xFi Complete?  This pricing structure seems arbitrary, predatory and self serving.  There is no possibly way I can recommend using a Comcast controlled Wifi access point given the number of reports of data security/privacy breaches related to Comcast that have already been reported in 2020.


You don't need to have Xfi Complete to get unlimited data at a reasonable price:


And, FWIW, your friend should be the one posting here.

Yes, *I* understand that webpage.  If customer service agent says literally that Comcast does not offer that anymore, the onus is on the customer to keep calling back over and over to find an agent that decides to be consistent with Comcast policy?  We are talking about a customer requesting something that will result in an additional $360 per year for Comcast and customer service *refused* to honor the request.


Also, I agree with you that my friend should be the one signing up for the Comcast forum.  But a funny thing happens when a company provides webpages that state one thing and then after a half hour long phone and 4 times on hold to accomplish *NOTHING*: the customer becomes demoralized.  They aren't open to spending more time to post to the forum and I will be surprised of Comcast retains them as a customer for very long.


I am the one that is embarrassed for recommending Comcast as the best possible option for them.  It was my impression that "Comcast Cares" ad compaign was an acknowledgement that customer service at the company needed to improve.  What I heard listening in on the phone call was a customer service that had no investiment in providing correct accurate assistance or respect for the customer's time.  There was no indication any quality assurance training took place.  They might as well have grabbed someone off the street yesterday and had them operate based on their own personal beliefs instead of company policy.


My expectation since "Comcast Cares" for Comcast Customer Service interactions is two fold:


(1) It is fine to put the customer on hold but make sure when coming back that the information stated to the customer is accurate and valid


(2) It is fine not to understand 100% of every single Comcast offering/service, but if there is something that the immediate customer service agent doesn't understand then escalate the call to someone that does


They so clearly and blantly violated both of those simple expectations!  How exactly does this show that Comcast "Cares"?!  If you are going to end each call with "I want to thank you for choosing Xfinity" then maybe give a *GOOD* reason why they should stay with Xfinity instead of ignoring what was requested, stating something the is provably FALSE based on the company's own public documentation and substituing the request with something else.


Shouldn't the fine imposed by the state of Washington been enough to send a message to Comcast that signing up customers for things they don't ask for is *NOT* ever an acceptable business practice?  Or did they decide that only applies to that state and continue to do so in other states??



31.2K Messages

5 years ago

@chilinux I understand how you feel, and, as a customer also, it really irks me when customer service doesn't do their job as they should.  I am not making excuses for them, but it does seem as though customer service has gotten worse with COVID-19.


As for the unlimited data issue, since this just changed effective July 1st, I would bet a lot of CSR's aren't aware of the change, which is why the information they're giving is not correct.  I have no idea why the majority of them never got notice of the change.  Their poor job makes our job here just a bit harder because they're giving out misinformation.


On the bright side, however, we have stellar customer service here, with employees that are up-to-date on the latest information and plans, and as an Expert volunteer we all try hard to stay as informed as possible so that all of us can render help in the best possible way.  It's what we're here for.


I'm sorry that you and your friend have had the experiences that you've had; it shouldn't be that way.  However, have him register for the Forums so that in the future if he needs help he can come here to get it.


If you both need the unlimited service and are having a hard time signing up for it, let us know so that an Official Employee can help you get that started.

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