Friday, March 28th, 2025 2:39 AM

Unfair Practices: Xfinity Denied Confirmed Free Mobile Deal

To the Xfinity Community and Official Support Team,

I am writing today to document a profoundly unfair and unjust experience with Xfinity, demanding accountability and resolution. As an 8-year customer who has always paid on time, the treatment I've received – particularly the blatant disregard for promises made by your own staff during my family's hospice crisis – is unacceptable.

On February 27th, amidst the immense stress of caring for my father in hospice (stage 4 cancer), reliable service was critical. I saw the 2-Gig upgrade offer with a free mobile line. Needing certainty, I spent a full hour confirming details. The representative didn't just confirm; she promised. A free line ($40/value) AND, she added, as a long-time loyal customer, a free phone. When I challenged her, asking about hidden charges, she insisted multiple times – that it was completely free – that there was absolutely no catch. Based only on these explicit guarantees, I agreed.

This wasn't a misunderstanding. This deal was confirmed by Xfinity staff FIVE specific times:

  1. Feb 27th (Initial 1-hr call): Free line + free phone promised, no hidden charges insisted upon.
  2. Feb 27th (9:00 AM): Inbound call from Xfinity – deal confirmed again.
  3. Feb 27th (12:10 PM): Spoke with another rep – deal confirmed again.
  4. Feb 28th (7:47 AM): Called specifically to check – line confirmed free.
  5. Mar 5th: Mobile activation rep – confirmed free line/phone while setting up.

Trusting Xfinity's repeated word, I felt relief. That relief was shattered.

The same March 5th rep who confirmed the deal immediately pivoted to aggressive upselling. I stated clearly: "My dad is in the hospital. Now is not the time." Yet, she called back relentlessly – March 7th, March 12th (twice!), March 15th – prioritizing her incentive over basic decency. Looking back, after discovering the 'free' deal was denied, her persistence feels deeply suspect. Was she trying to lock in more commission based on a fraudulent promise before the truth inevitably surfaced?

Then came March 26th. Trying to schedule the install, I was casually told the promotion wasn't on my account. I was incredulous. "That can't be real," I told the representative. "How could an Xfinity employee offer me a promotion, insist it was free despite my specific questions, confirm it multiple times across different days, if it didn't actually exist for me?" It felt like a calculated deception, a trap sprung after I relied on Xfinity's word.

What followed was an appalling support nightmare. I spent at least five hours trapped on the phone yesterday. I wasn't just transferred; I was randomly cut off mid-conversation, hung up on, passed endlessly between departments that couldn't help, and bluntly told "nothing can be done." Worse were the insidious, repeated attempts to shift blame. Almost every representative, after claiming to understand, implied I must have misunderstood or misheard the original offer.

It became sickeningly clear: no one was interested in holding the representative(s) who made the false promises accountable. Instead, the focus was on denying the confirmed deal and blaming the customer. I am being made to pay – in time, extreme stress, and potentially money – for what feels like willful misrepresentation at best, or outright fraud by an Xfinity representative, seemingly for their own commission.

Crucially, several representatives admitted I was wronged and deserved the deal, but hid behind the excuse that their "hands were tied." This is not acceptable. It's an institutional failure to stand by commitments made by company representatives, leaving customers to suffer the consequences of Xfinity's internal issues and lack of integrity.

After 8 years of loyalty, this experience – the lies, the exploitation of my family's crisis, the blame-shifting, the stonewalling – is a profound breach of trust and fundamental fairness.

Escalate this immediately. Find someone whose hands aren't tied and who is empowered to correct this blatant injustice. Is this how Xfinity operates? Allowing representatives to make false promises for gain, then blaming the customer and refusing to honor the deal?

4 Messages

4 days ago

 It's truly staggering how much misinformation comes from support and how unprofessional some interactions can be. I felt compelled to keep extensive documentation and records of everything throughout this ordeal, otherwise I feel like I'd have absolutely no ground to stand on. Even with all that evidence, finding a resolution is still proving incredibly difficult.

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