Wednesday, October 16th, 2024 9:24 PM

tough comcast day for my customer

Dear Comcast Team,

I'd like to share some feedback about the difficult day my customer had with Comcast today.  She is a longtime comcast customer,

and got a new modem from the Comcast store in her neighborhood.  Her internet speed degraded, and today she reached out to Comcast by phone. She could not get a person on the phone-- the system insisted on sending her a link, but she doesn't use a smart phone, and really needed to talk with someone.

I helped her chat with customer support. I turned out that she had an ancient internet plan, Economy Plus, with 3Mbs speed! When she got her new modem, apparently the Comcast store staff (Fresh Pond, Cambridge MA) didn't check her plan and point out that she needed to upgrade. We went to the change plan on the website, and the next button was greyed out when we tried to upgrade internet speed. We chatted with Alex, who created an order to upgrade, for $20 additional, to 150Mbps. He emailed the order to her email on file, and the email never arrived. We asked him to email to our comcast email-- ditto, never arrived. He said "there is an issue, you'll need to call."

This was all very frustrating to the customer, who is happy to upgrade, but having an awful time doing so.  I'd like to ask:

1. That you look into the interface issues here-- reaching a person by phone, emailing to customers, and the change plan next button (I tried on two browsers)

2. That you reach out to this long-suffering customer and get her situation straightened out, and perhaps give her a discount for the bad performance since she was given the new modem, but not told to do the necessary upgrade.

Thanks very much,

Feel free to contact me to discuss  [Edited: "Personal Information"]

Official Employee


1.3K Messages

1 day ago

Hi there, @user_6iyzof Oh no I'm so sorry to hear about the trouble she had with getting her service concerns addressed and resolved. Since we are a social media team we do communicate through this forum, we can most definitely get her taken care of on this forum, all she would need to do is message us here on this forum and we'll get her taken care of.-Richard

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