Thursday, August 3rd, 2023 11:11 PM


Recent Nightmare Customer Experience / Overcharging for years?

On Tuesday, August 1, 2023 at around 5PM EST our internet went down.  We have been Xfinity customers for a long time so we try the usual fixes such as unplugging the modem, resetting the modem, checking for outages then finally deciding to call "customer service".  The customer service rep and supervisor were friendly enough, so not going to complain about them although we were on the phone together for two hours.  The supervisor instructed me that the modem we had been using was just no longer compatible with our plan (haven't changed our plan in months/years) and that we would need to go to the Xfinity store to get a replacement.  The supervisor also informed me that although we had been paying for Blast! internet (800mbps) for months now, our modem was only rated to 400mbps.  I am expecting a partial refund on every month of service I paid for and only received half the promised internet speed!

Continuing on, I wake up on Wednesday, August 2, 2023 at 7AM to drive my wife to a friend's house so she could work (we both work from home and rely on the internet to do our jobs) while I took a vacation day (knowing nothing is ever quick with these types of situations, boy was I right) to go to the Xfinity store in Weymouth, MA.  I arrive at the store around 8:30AM awaiting them to open at 9AM and was lucky to be first in line.  My customer service rep is a young man named Gio who isn't thrilled to be at work apparently.  I tell Gio that I was instructed to come into the store and get a modem that is compatible with our plan.  Gio isn't in the mood to chat or offer any semblance of customer service so I steer the "conversation" as best I could.  I ask him what are the current plans and prices.  He shrugs, he doesn't know.  I ask for a pamphlet.  He actually finds one in a pile of junk in a cabinet.  I read the pamphlet, I ask some questions about the different speeds offered.  Gio probably knows more about the whereabouts of Jimmy Hoffa at this point.  So I tell Gio I want the 1000mbps plan (1000 sounds like a lot, what do I know though?).  By this point I have been in the store 15 minutes, Gio has said maybe 5 words to me.  I also tell Gio I need a new cable box because the recent thunderstorm fried one of ours.  We had the most basic boxes Xfinity offers, about the size of a wallet.  Gio gives me a new modem and new cable box.  I say thank you and have a nice day.  Gio said... well probably nothing, because Gio ain't wasting no words.

I arrive back home and first setup the modem.  That actually went surprisingly smooth! Woohoo, Xfinity!  I then plug in the cable box per the instructions and.... nothing.  The screen said "Welcome, Bienvenue, Bienvenido".  You already know what I did here folks, I called "customer service".  I spoke to a nice gal name Earl.  I remembered her named because I've often thought of naming a pet or child of mine Earl.  Dope name, Earl, you rock girl!  Earl tells me that Gio gave me the wrong cable box.  I was shocked!  Gio!  Not the silent Xfinity Monk with the God awful tattoo on his right forearm; no way Gio messed up!  C'mon y'all, you knew Gio messed up a whole paragraph ago.  By the way, Earl said the cable box that Gio gave me needed another type of cable box (like a main or mother box) to communicate with.  Remember, all I got is the wallet-shaped cable box in the other room (the one the thunderstorm didn't mess up).

Welp, I pack up both cable boxes (the beauty that Gio gave me and the existing one we still had setup in our house), my dog Asher, and my 5th cup of coffee into the car and head back to Weymouth (I live in Quincy by the way) and the whole way there I am just hoping and praying that I don't get Gio again.

I arrive at the store and because it's mid-day I am not first in line (my evil plan has been thwarted by sleepy Gio).  I wait a reasonable amount of time in line, say about 10 minutes (I'm not complaining) and again I'm hoping and praying that Gio is on a smoke break or went home sleepy/sick.  Well folks, I got Jaheem this time!  Jaheem definitely had more energy and drive than his colleague Gio.  Jaheem assisted me in canceling the cable subscription altogether from my account.  I also told Jaheem I wanted to upgrade to the 1200mbps (only like $5 extra than the 1000mbps).  Had I known this would require yet another modem upgrade I probably wouldn't have gone through with it but Jaheem already made the change so I took the modem.  Y'all should invest some time and training into Jaheem, because he actually was attentive, communicative and even discussed switching my cell phone plan over to Xfinity from Verizon.  That is a young man trying to hustle and earn some money, I respect that!  I told Jaheem I'd give him my sale if we decide switching, which seems like a no brainer at $60/month for what my wife and I are currently paying Verizon $250 for.  But then again, Verizon has never subjected me to a Gio nor just stopped giving me service without notice then forcing me to take a vacation day to get things back on track.  But I digress.

The story is almost over.. I get home for the final time (picked my wife up on the way, because YUP it's been a full day now) I setup the even newer modem.  It gets to working pretty quickly.  According to an internet speed test we were only getting about 200mbps down and 20 up (should be 1200/35).  Now today, I reset the modem and the speed test came back with 600mbps, still no where near the promised (and paid for) 1200mbps :(:(:(:(:(  Let me guess, there's some fine print somewhere... maybe it was hidden in Gio's arm tat this whole time! :O


  • Internet goes down, Xfinity customer service instructs me to get new modem from Xfinity store
  • I bring current modem and broken cable box to Xfinity store in Weymouth
  • I setup new modem and cable box, cable box not working so I call Xfinity customer service, they say I was given wrong cable box
  • I return to Xfinity store in Weymouth, get newer modem and cancel cable altogether from my plan and return all my cable boxes including the new/wrong one
  • Internet is now working at my house BUT
    • only getting 600mbps (not full 1200mbps)
    • Xfinity app says "Your home internet is offline"
  • I wast told by Xfinity customer service supervisor that my original modem only supported up to 400mbps but Xfinity had been charging me for Blast! which promises speeds up to 800mbps
    • Our internet has been super slow for over a year, now I know why
    • I am expecting some type of partial refund for every month I overpaid for service I did not receive
  • Please excuse my attempts at humor, I am actually quite annoyed and upset by all of these experiences
  • Gio, you broke my heart!

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

"You home internet is offline" - Xfinity App (Internet IS online however)



30.9K Messages

1 year ago


You actually did well with the levity.  😉  I'm sorry you had such a rough time of it, though.  It sounds as though a configuration files needs to be pushed to your modem.

I'm going to escalate this so an an employee can lay eyes on it and help you out.

Good luck!

6 Messages

@Again​ thank you for the kind words and willingness to help me out. Legend!

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