Tuesday, September 3rd, 2024 7:20 PM

Pole Transfer - Brookhaven, GA

Hello, I need to have a small piece of Comcast equipment moved from an existing power pole in my front yard that is scheduled to be removed next month.  The power company (Georgia Power) has already installed a new pole and relocated their equipment.  AT&T has also relocated their equipment from the old pole. The Comcast equipment is the last remaining piece to relocate before we can remove the pole.

The address is [Edit: removed for PII].  Can you help me get this equipment moved ASAP or put me in touch with the local Comcast construction or engineering department?  Thank you.

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Official Employee


1.5K Messages

6 months ago

Thank you for contacting us through our Xfinity Forums request. We can certainly help with this. May I please have you send us a direct message with your full name and service address to get started? (The original post had your address removed due to Personal Identifiable information) 


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