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17 Messages
plan management
Xfinity's web site is horrible. I click on manage plan and it goes into an infinite loop with the addresses alternating between "add-on" and "loging in" seemingly forever.
further when I go to customize plan it shows that I both have the Popular TV plan (which I do) yet says it is an additional $17.50 to add the Popular TV plan. What does that mean? Of course I can not show you that screen shot as you can not post a pic in this forum.
Finally NBCSportsBayArea 1250 used to be in the Popular TV plan (and still shows the channel in my channel list on my Tivo) but now says it's "not authorized". So now to get that I have to go to the Ultimate TV plan?
Is Xfinity trying to make its customers hate them? Its working.
Official Employee
2.7K Messages
4 days ago
Hi there, Jg167! Thank you for your feedback on how we could further improve the website and plan builder. We want things to be an easy experience and apologize that was troublesome.
The Popular TV package may be showing at our everyday price (cost without a promotion). NBCSports Bay Area comes in our Ultimate TV lineup. We made changes earlier this year and sent out messages beforehand.
You can add your 3rd party email address to your Xfinity ID
We would be happy to look into new promotions with you.
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