12 Messages

Thursday, July 11th, 2024 3:39 AM


Outages in Houston

Another day without service and no answers. I'm sorry that the CSRs are bearing the brunt of our complaints when the fault really lies with Comcast infrastructure and, at the very least, communications executives.

Could we at least get more than a vague "as soon as possible" answer to our questions about the ETA on service restoration? The city has been bright, sunny, and clear for the past couple of days now. Can we get some sort of explanation as to why service is down in our neighborhoods?

The lack of transparency is incredibly frustrating. Speak up, Comcast. Don't direct us towards AI-generated responses or press releases. Give us actual solutions.

Official Employee


2.8K Messages

8 months ago

Hey there, user_53oipv, thanks for reaching out through Xfinity Forums regarding the service interruption in your area. I would recommend using https://www.xfinity.com/support/status for all the most up-to-date information regarding when your service will be back up. We are working to get everyone back up and running as soon as possible. We truly appreciate your continued patience. 



12 Messages

@XfinityJeniece​ Thank you for illustrating my point. I'm sorry that you have to field these inquiries. There is no information available other than "as soon as possible", and "outage detected". No specifics. Everyone is sick of it, and it's not your fault. Blame the higher ups/shareholders who are (frankly) sitting on our hard earned money and not delivering while the CSRs have to face public scrutiny every single day. I've been there. 

I really hope that obtaining credit for our outages won't be as daunting as I'm dreading it to be. Either way, I'll be switching to another provider after this.A lot of people work from home now, and in 2024, it shouldn't be so hard to keep wifi access after a Cat. 1 storm. I remember having internet access throughout Harvey. Surely, we've progressed since then.

Official Employee


3.1K Messages

@user_53oipv We definitely understand the frustration and can absolutely provide your feedback to the proper channels. This link will provide you the most up to date information regarding the service interruptions and other helpful information. We truly appreciate your patience while our technicians work to restore services as quickly and safely as they can.

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1 Message

This also isn't helpful. 

Official Employee


1.6K Messages


user_tplcpy I'm sorry to hear these resources are not helpful. We are working on being as transparent as possible, especially when most of us rely on internet for a lot of our daily functions. I can take a look at your services individually, and see if there is an update this morning to provide for you. Our goal is not to make this a more frustrating process for you, but in some cases we do rely on other pieces of the puzzle to the network back up and running properly. Can you please send a Direct Message with your name, and service address? 
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5 Messages

Xfinity is anything but transparent. Last up was at 130 pm yesterday. A week is absolutely horrible. This was a weak storm. This freaking city is a complete failure of infrastructure. No texts on updates nothing. I hope everyone cancels their subscription.

3 Messages

8 months ago

I need an real agent now that ai is useless.. I got a text from xfinity at 2 am saying services restored found out that was a lie then another text saying that workers are fixing the service in my area find out thats another lie 

Official Employee


2.1K Messages


user_f4ulnr, Hi there! Thanks for taking the time to visit XFINITY over our forums page for help with finding out when the services will be restored. This is definitely not how we want you to feel. As a customer myself, I understand the importance of having the services working correctly for you and your family. We can help. To research what's going on, we will just need to pull up the account. Please send us a direct message with your first/last name and full address by clicking the "direct message" icon on the upper right page of the forum page. Once you click on that, input our shared handle "Xfinity Support" to send us a direct message.


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3 Messages

8 months ago

Between me and my husband we have 8 kids and we work from home we are currently missing out on so much money and all we can get from a dumb ai is asap or when its clear and safe outside im sure by now its good enough outside for workers to start fixing outages but 

1 Message

8 months ago

The only thing reliable about Xfinity is that it will go out when you need it most, and be down longer than any other ISP. But they will certainly charge the same as others. I’m switching back to ATT next week, and I’d bet that’s the fastest way to get internet back to my house.

Official Employee


1.8K Messages

Hello, @ZachS712. We would hate to lose you as a customer. I'd be more than happy to review your account to see what's causing your service to be interrupted. Please send a direct message by clicking the chat icon in the upper right corner of the page, click on the pen and paper icon, then enter “Xfinity Support” in the “To” section.


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1 Message

8 months ago

Same. Lost a week of work and no help with getting updates. I would switch to another company but my apts. are wired for Xfinity. Beyond frustrated.

Official Employee


1.5K Messages

@user_72peo2 - Thank you for leaving a comment with your shared concerns. I'm sorry there haven't been any updates yet. We really do our best to communicate what we can as soon as there's something available to share! I've experienced cases where an ETR was available, and when that is the case, we gladly provide those details. Not having one right now means we must not know yet how long this restoration is going to take, but I assure you we're working on it! We're sorry to hear how this makes you feel, and I promise that I personally do care for your situation. If I had more, I'd let you know! Thanks for taking the time to provide your feedback, though. It's important to us that we improve the customer experience where possible, and I appreciate your thoughts. Please don't hesitate to create your own public post if any other questions or concerns arise, and our Digital Care Team will always do whatever it can to support you and your household.

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3 Messages

8 months ago

Would sure like to know what the issue is other than we are working on  it and it will be restored ASAP, also my Xfinity mobile service has also been degregated in this storm and it [edit: language] that I have to drive out my subdivision to get a descent signal to make a phone call or receive a text... it is 2024 George Jetson never had this issue!!!


Official Employee


2K Messages


user_0r92er We know many are still waiting for everything to be up 100%, and we truly thank you for all your patience. In the meantime, you can learn more about our progress and ongoing work by visiting this link https://texas.comcast.com/alerts/


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1 Message

8 months ago

We had internet through the storm. Yesterday it got disconnected. No updates. “As soon as possible” and “weather related”. This is really disappointing 

1 Message

@user_lpsc1o​ same here. Had internet all day on Monday. Woke up to no service on Tuesday and haven’t had it since. No answers.

Official Employee


2.5K Messages

Hi, user_iks4i7! I apologize that your service has been offline! We are continuing to work around the clock to get everything fixed. The Xfinity app and Status Center will be updated with an estimated time of restoral when possible. We work alongside city utilities so sometimes there are too many moving pieces to be able to provide an accurate estimate. We are updating the Comcast Texas page with information on our progress and other helpful information such as finding an Xfinity WiFi hotspot to connect to. 

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5 Messages

@user_lpsc1o​ Same here! We had internet during the storm. I got o work from Wednesday to yesterday morning to make up my hours and then the internet at 10 am and is still out! This is ridiculous!

3 Messages

8 months ago

I wrote the following during the previous storm two months ago…. (Link to post).  Seems like nothing has been learned on how best to communicate with the customer base.  Those daily updates are useless as they leave all of us generally uninformed.

Note to Xfinity Communications:  When you are providing an update to customers, ask yourself:  What am I trying to communicate?  Are my customers fully informed with the information I am providing?  Am I being transparent? 

Another set of questions to ask is, why did we suffer such a broad outage?  What could we have done better to prevent or minimize this?  We know it is hard to predict and impossible to prevent catastrophic storms, but what you can do is be prepared to respond and more importantly, do a better job a maintaining your easements such that those branches and limbs that hang over your cables are trimmed back.  I don’t think I have ever seen Comcast perform any ROW maintenance to prevent those nearby trees from falling and severing your cables.

It is not the responsibility of the landowner to perform that maintenance, it is the responsibility of the utilities that occupy those easements.

Perhaps it has come time to finally cut the cable…. 



11 Year Customer

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2.5K Messages

Hi there, Nethugo_HTX. I apologize that there have not been any updates yet. We share as many details as we can as soon as they are available. We are working around the clock to get everyone back up and running. Our Comcast Texas page is providing daily updates surrounding the work being done as well as other information. The Status Center and Xfinity app will also reflect an estimated time of when your service will be restored when we are able to provide that.


When you see an as soon as possible message it is because there are too many ongoing factors to be able to provide an accurate estimate. Sometimes, as more work is completed, and it gets closer to the time your service will come online, you will see the app or website update with an estimated time. We appreciate your feedback! It's important to us that we improve and always look at how things went, how they could go better, and prevention. 

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12 Messages

It’s amazing how so many words can be said with how little information is presented in the same wall of text. You’re telling me this guy is PAID for this. Wild. 

23 Messages


I wish you all would stop apologizing, it's so annoying. Just do something about this problem. Houston has to do better preparation for these horrific storms. If you weren't prepared for this Cat1 you will not be ready for the next. We are just getting started and if this is what service is going to be like for the future, I too might have to seek out another provider 

1 Message

8 months ago

My friend switched from Xfinity to AT&T as soon as her power was restored her internet was also.  

3 Messages

8 months ago

Absolutely pathetic service.   Xfinity is useless and doesn’t care to provide real status and just hides behind fake messsge 

Official Employee


2K Messages

Getting your services restored is important to us @user_1r9yc2. Power interruptions in the area account for most internet service interruptions, but we know there is damage to telecommunication lines, which crews are actively fixing right now. To keep updated on this, we have a dedicated site here.

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12 Messages

8 months ago

I feel sorry for the customer service reps responding to all of these messages cause they know about as much as we know. 

That Xfinity Texas site is updated once a day. ONCE! And it doesn't give any useful information at all. They can't give us any details on how many are out and how many they plan to get back online and WHEN! This is insane.

How are you a commucations company with such poor commucation? Not mention the subpar video quality.  

I really wish the people that really needed to see these posts actually saw them. It really needs some higher level visibility. I wish the news would also investigate them like they have been with CenterPoint. This is just pathetic. 

Again, I don't fault the forum reps for any of the issues. I really wish the people in charge can see that they're not being helpful at all. 

Official Employee


1.5K Messages

Thanks for reaching out. Services may be out in your area due to a number of reasons, including but not limited to weather, power interruptions or other outside factors. When a service loss is declared in an area, our teams are notified and will work as quickly and safely as possible to ensure everyone is back up and running. We offer convenient self-service options to check service interruptions through My Account, the Xfinity App, or the Xfinity Status Center at http://www.xfinity.com/support/status. This is where you would get the most up-to-date information including ETAs. This is the same information all representatives have as well. Credits are applied once the service loss in the area is cleared.

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12 Messages

@XfinityKrista​ I appreciate your response, but again, none of this is helpful. That link does not provide any information for me. The info I receive is listed below and it's the basic and generic response. 

"Channel(s), DVR, X1 TV, Internet outage detected

You may be experiencing issues with your Xfinity services due to severe weather in or around your area. Once the area is safe, our teams will begin to repair the network to restore services as soon as possible. Stay safe and we appreciate your understanding."

That's the message that I've seen for days with no actual update. No details about outside factors or that someone is working on the issues....it's just "hey, you internet is out". Can we please get more details on the issue and the ETA? Something?!?! I know you don't fix the issues but we are begging for more info. Can you please get more info for us beyond the generic response? I'm begging for this. Please. I have power. There were no trees that fell over. What is Xfinity doing? 

Official Employee


1.5K Messages

@Tiredofthisnonsense I understand this can be inconvenient, and we thank you for your patience. I'd be happy to check your account to see if it shows an estimated time for the services to be restored. 


To access your account, will you please send us a direct message with your full name and complete service address.


To do so, click on the chat icon located at the top right of this forums page.

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• Click the "Direct Message” icon (upper right corner of this page)

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12 Messages

Also, the AI bot is useless. I just randomly clicked on report an outage thinking that I would somehow get an ETA on a fix and the bot said:

"Everything looks good on our end, it looks like there are no reported outages in your area. Would you like to report an outage? We'll send you a text message with any status updates."

Seriously? I give up lol

Official Employee


1.5K Messages

@Tiredofthisnonsense I'd be happy to check into this further for you. Feel free to send a direct message with your account information, and we can see if our system shows updated information. 

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2 Messages

8 months ago

[Edited: "Language"] Comcast. I have not had either cable or internet for a week, and just a full bill from comcast, like everything in [Edited: "Language"]. I already cancelled phone service a few months back and will be cancelling internet service because I just got TMobile wireless internet service for the same price and guess what, it stays on all the time. When I figure out a way to cancel cable, I will get rid of the most [Edited: "Language"].


4 Messages

@user_lo594v​ I did not know TMobile offer internet. Thank you for sharing.

8 Messages

8 months ago

Also, why are you blaming power for internet outage in blanket statement? I know that can be valid reason for some cases. Even for that how can Comcast really on power for their central area. How can you not have back up generator? And then in my case we had internet for 3 hours after power was restored at my home. Then we loose internet. Can someone explain me how loosing internet after 3 hours of power restoration can be blamed for power? This is just unacceptable in term of service.

7 Messages

i had internet 2 days after my power was restored and now the past two days ive been without internet. it doesnt make sense

Official Employee


2K Messages

Thank you for reaching out to us @user_f97l3u! Most of the interruptions have been caused by power interruptions. If your power is restored, the location where our network equipment is in the area may still be without power. Occasionally, power companies need to finish their work before we can begin our work. Once the local power companies have completed their repairs and the area is safe, our teams will begin to repair the network to restore services as soon as possible. While repairs are done, your services may go offline until the repairs are completed. 

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7 Messages

Do you have a ETA on that or no Aldrik? 

Official Employee


2K Messages

We have a dedicated site with live updates here @user_f97l3u.

We can certainly check if there is an estimate for your address, could you please send our team a direct message with your full name and full address? To send a "Direct Message" to Xfinity Support:


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3 Messages


We had internet for 5 days after the power was restored. But suddenly, poof, gone.  They cannot blame their inadequacy on power outage. 

3 Messages

8 months ago

Xfinity -- the most pathetic poor customer service i have ever had..nothing on updates...just blanket sorry excuse.   can't even figure out if/when anything is being done.  they just hide behind the 'automessage".    after this i am done with this miserble cusomter service. 


Official Employee


1.6K Messages

Hi there, @user_1r9yc2 ! Thank you so much for reaching your Digital Care team. I appreciate your patience while you waited to connect with me. I'm very sorry for the inconvenience you are experiencing with the service interruption that is impacting your services, I know how frustrating this experience is for you. Please be assured you reached the right person to assist you. Can you please DM me your first and last name, along with your full service address so that I can assist you further.-Richard

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7 Messages

8 months ago

Xfinity please fix the internet, you are losing incredibly numerous of customers once they get a chance to do so, so might as well fix it now to stop this [Edited: "Language"], i just read a report about having 700 techs on the field, that is just not true, if that was the case we wouldve got internet  back already.  [Edited: "Language"] i will be going to a different provider after this. UNACCEPTABLE


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