12 Messages
Outages in Houston
Another day without service and no answers. I'm sorry that the CSRs are bearing the brunt of our complaints when the fault really lies with Comcast infrastructure and, at the very least, communications executives.
Could we at least get more than a vague "as soon as possible" answer to our questions about the ETA on service restoration? The city has been bright, sunny, and clear for the past couple of days now. Can we get some sort of explanation as to why service is down in our neighborhoods?
The lack of transparency is incredibly frustrating. Speak up, Comcast. Don't direct us towards AI-generated responses or press releases. Give us actual solutions.
Official Employee
2.8K Messages
8 months ago
Hey there, user_53oipv, thanks for reaching out through Xfinity Forums regarding the service interruption in your area. I would recommend using https://www.xfinity.com/support/status for all the most up-to-date information regarding when your service will be back up. We are working to get everyone back up and running as soon as possible. We truly appreciate your continued patience.
3 Messages
8 months ago
I need an real agent now that ai is useless.. I got a text from xfinity at 2 am saying services restored found out that was a lie then another text saying that workers are fixing the service in my area find out thats another lie
3 Messages
8 months ago
Between me and my husband we have 8 kids and we work from home we are currently missing out on so much money and all we can get from a dumb ai is asap or when its clear and safe outside im sure by now its good enough outside for workers to start fixing outages but
1 Message
8 months ago
The only thing reliable about Xfinity is that it will go out when you need it most, and be down longer than any other ISP. But they will certainly charge the same as others. I’m switching back to ATT next week, and I’d bet that’s the fastest way to get internet back to my house.
1 Message
8 months ago
Same. Lost a week of work and no help with getting updates. I would switch to another company but my apts. are wired for Xfinity. Beyond frustrated.
3 Messages
8 months ago
Would sure like to know what the issue is other than we are working on it and it will be restored ASAP, also my Xfinity mobile service has also been degregated in this storm and it [edit: language] that I have to drive out my subdivision to get a descent signal to make a phone call or receive a text... it is 2024 George Jetson never had this issue!!!
1 Message
8 months ago
We had internet through the storm. Yesterday it got disconnected. No updates. “As soon as possible” and “weather related”. This is really disappointing
3 Messages
8 months ago
I wrote the following during the previous storm two months ago…. (Link to post). Seems like nothing has been learned on how best to communicate with the customer base. Those daily updates are useless as they leave all of us generally uninformed.
Note to Xfinity Communications: When you are providing an update to customers, ask yourself: What am I trying to communicate? Are my customers fully informed with the information I am providing? Am I being transparent?
Another set of questions to ask is, why did we suffer such a broad outage? What could we have done better to prevent or minimize this? We know it is hard to predict and impossible to prevent catastrophic storms, but what you can do is be prepared to respond and more importantly, do a better job a maintaining your easements such that those branches and limbs that hang over your cables are trimmed back. I don’t think I have ever seen Comcast perform any ROW maintenance to prevent those nearby trees from falling and severing your cables.
It is not the responsibility of the landowner to perform that maintenance, it is the responsibility of the utilities that occupy those easements.
Perhaps it has come time to finally cut the cable….
11 Year Customer
1 Message
8 months ago
My friend switched from Xfinity to AT&T as soon as her power was restored her internet was also.
3 Messages
8 months ago
Absolutely pathetic service. Xfinity is useless and doesn’t care to provide real status and just hides behind fake messsge
12 Messages
8 months ago
I feel sorry for the customer service reps responding to all of these messages cause they know about as much as we know.
That Xfinity Texas site is updated once a day. ONCE! And it doesn't give any useful information at all. They can't give us any details on how many are out and how many they plan to get back online and WHEN! This is insane.
How are you a commucations company with such poor commucation? Not mention the subpar video quality.
I really wish the people that really needed to see these posts actually saw them. It really needs some higher level visibility. I wish the news would also investigate them like they have been with CenterPoint. This is just pathetic.
Again, I don't fault the forum reps for any of the issues. I really wish the people in charge can see that they're not being helpful at all.
2 Messages
8 months ago
[Edited: "Language"] Comcast. I have not had either cable or internet for a week, and just a full bill from comcast, like everything in [Edited: "Language"]. I already cancelled phone service a few months back and will be cancelling internet service because I just got TMobile wireless internet service for the same price and guess what, it stays on all the time. When I figure out a way to cancel cable, I will get rid of the most [Edited: "Language"].
8 Messages
8 months ago
Also, why are you blaming power for internet outage in blanket statement? I know that can be valid reason for some cases. Even for that how can Comcast really on power for their central area. How can you not have back up generator? And then in my case we had internet for 3 hours after power was restored at my home. Then we loose internet. Can someone explain me how loosing internet after 3 hours of power restoration can be blamed for power? This is just unacceptable in term of service.
3 Messages
8 months ago
Xfinity -- the most pathetic poor customer service i have ever had..nothing on updates...just blanket sorry excuse. can't even figure out if/when anything is being done. they just hide behind the 'automessage". after this i am done with this miserble cusomter service.
7 Messages
8 months ago
Xfinity please fix the internet, you are losing incredibly numerous of customers once they get a chance to do so, so might as well fix it now to stop this [Edited: "Language"], i just read a report about having 700 techs on the field, that is just not true, if that was the case we wouldve got internet back already. [Edited: "Language"] i will be going to a different provider after this. UNACCEPTABLE