1 Message
Ongoing chat scam
As others have posted before, I was on live chat through the Xfinity app working with a live agent. After setting up a technician to come correct instal issues, I was told that I was paying too much for my plan and that he would just lower it for me. The "agent" the saved if I like smart watches and explained that the amount he was lowering my payment to would cover the smart watch. Then proceeded to send me a "secure" link asking me for my Social security number and birthday like in previous scams reported. I would like to know what Xfinity is doing about this as it's an ongoing problem.
Official Employee
1.6K Messages
9 days ago
Hello, @user_27vnbw thanks for sharing this experience. Your best bet is to work with our Customer Security Assurance team. They are best equipped to work on an issue like this. Especially if your being asked for personal information. They can be reached at 1-888-565-4329, 8:00am - 12:00am Eastern Time, 7 days a week.