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No outdoor cable junction box, unstable internet connection
We recently signed up with Xfinity internet service/wifi for a house we purchased. An existing cable line ran from street to house and the end of the cable just hung out of conduit next to garage. Xfinity tech connected a new line to this cable without adding a cable junction box or any protection from weather or vandalism. (see photo) I have seen other connections like this covered by a cable junction box which seems like a good idea. What is standard practice for this connection?
Also, we have another secondary cable connection on the other side of the garage interior. This one was grounded. There is about 40' of cable between the connections.
We are trying to add a wireless security system and the Wyze video cam we purchased indicates "unstable internet connection" and will not function.
I mention these 2 connections and would like to know if they contribute to unstable internet connection or what might other causes be.
Your help would be appreciated.

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