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Monday, January 15th, 2024 5:15 AM


Network Evaluation/Xfinity xFi Complete – Whole Home WiFi Evaluation Status as no emails were received

I am writing concerning the Network Evaluation/Xfinity xFi Complete – Whole Home WiFi Evaluation Status as no emails were received.  

On December 19, 2023 at 4:20PM Pacific Time, I received the following e-mail:

which mentions the Wall-to-Wall coverage and the network evaluation that links to 

1) I activated the XB8-T Xfinity xFi Complete gateway on December 15, 2023. However, I never received the email highlighting the benefits of xFi Complete and notifying me that the Whole Home WiFi evaluation has begun within one day of activating the Gateway. So I chatted using Live Chat on on December 20, 2023 and learned the evaluation started on December 16, 2023.

So I chatted using Live Chat on on December 20, 2023 and learned the evaluation started on December 16, 2023.

The article linked above mentions: "After the initial 14-day assessment period, you’ll receive additional emails with information about your xFi network performance. You may receive recommendations to further optimize your network."

I did not receive any emails and the 14 day assessment was supposed to end on December 30, 2023 at the latest.

Based on the December 30, 2023 date, it is already 29 days since the start of the evaluation or 15 days since the end of the evaluation.

I really need the WiFi Boost Pod only if it is free as my house is 2 floors at 1,075 s ft per level/2,150 sq ft total for both floors as the WiFi signal only reaches 500 ft and there are lots of devices that are not even receiving a signal as it is too far to see the gateway. Please note the only devices that connect to the gateway are those that are within the WiFi signal as for all the far away devices that are connecting at the outside edge of the signal, they are only connected because they were moved closer so it can see the Wi-Fi signal but the location is not ideal for placement of the device on a regular basis as it is in the middle of the stairs, this is not wall to wall coverage but only 25% coverage of the entire home.

Hope someone can help.  Thank you for your time, attention and assistance in reviewing this matter!

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