3 Messages
need my landline phone turned back on
I am being set up with a new plan, as my current plan will expire next month. It took me explaining and talking with 3 maybe even 4 agents before I finally got an agent to finish and start a ticket and send an email for me to agree to the plan.
The first 2 put me on hold and dropped me.
They didn't call me back. I called back each time and got new rep who could not find the previous notes as the ticket wasn't formed.
Finally, an agent stayed with me and I decided to drop my lsndline phone to save money. WHAT I didn't know, and wasn't told, was they would almost immediately shut my service off for the phone. I was prepaid for a month, so assumed the new plan would start when current one ended, but forgot to ask. So later that day, I tried to use my phone and it was dead.
I panicked, because I wasn't yet prepared, after being with Comcast for 40 years and a landline phone. So I began trying to get an agent to restart the phone. I finally got someone, and she worked a new plan, but said she was turning me over to the tech department have the phone
reconnected. She did not finish with the ticket, so no sign that I agreed to plan and she dropped me, hung up on me.
It was a nightmare for 2 more days. I finally got another agent, (3rd plan ), She worked a plan and did the email for me to confirm and agree. Sooo, she said the phone would be turned back on within 2 to 3 days. I am in my 80s, my husband has bad health and no phone now except a cell phone, that I can't navigate like you young people, I I have tried to get through to someone to please expedite the reconnection. That last agent was e days ago, still not connected. The phone should not have been turned off without discussing when it would happen, since it was prepaid for another month.
It has taken me 5 days to get through this start a new plan thing. Someone please advise and help us.
Thank you
Please help me.
Official Employee
2.3K Messages
25 days ago
Hello, @user_8gp9td
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