

2 Messages

Thursday, April 7th, 2022 7:52 PM


Internet Essentials (Qualifications), ACP, and Support

For those of you who don't know, Internet Essentials and Internet Essentials plus ($9.95 50 mb/s & $29.95 100 mb/s respectively) are programs available through a sub-department of Xfinity/Comcast: Internet Essentials. The program is available to those who have benefits through the school lunch program to VA pension and many in between, including medicare/medicaid, SNAP/WIC, and student Pell grants. ACP is a separate federal program - the updated $30 internet/communications pandemic relief bill which is presently active, applying that $30 directly to your bill through your provider.

In the past, for whatever reason, the Internet Essentials program has only been available to those who are new Xfinity customers. Having few internet options, especially during the pandemic, my family was among those stuck paying full cost for the admitted lowest tier of Xfinity using my own equipment. Costs jumped from $30 to $50 for this service a few months ago, prompting me to look into my options. I've had to do this many, many times over my years with Comcast - back to the time of cable TV. I found this note in Xfinity Support, which has been added sometime since the last time I looked into qualifying for Internet Essentials:

You may qualify for Internet Essentials if you:


Are not an existing Xfinity Internet customer and have not subscribed to Xfinity Internet within the last 90 days.
Note: This requirement is being waived for Xfinity Internet customers who enroll and are approved for the Affordable Connectivity Program, apply to Internet Essentials and are approved by June 30, 2022

These statements don't necessarily contradict each other, but in practice with my experiences with Comcast and Internet Essentials support (separate entities), they absolutely do. The note is generally not known or not acknowledged by agents. I read the note to them several times - even had them read along with me - and they still did not or pretended not to get why I felt like I should qualify or that they could or perhaps even should help me. I had to speak to several agents, giving up one day and regaining composure to try again on another to get help. I was eventually transferred on this call to one helpful agent who gave me all the information I needed in a few minutes. Short version: I did not qualify because I was an existing customer; so I had to completely disconnect my service before re-applying for Internet Essentials Plus, but I did not have to wait 90 days to qualify as a "new" customer.

The program, as it existed before, was discriminatory against those who could not find alternate and affordable options - or go 90+ days with no service starting a new account. Like many, I assume, I was stuck paying my full bill while we continued to have virtual work, school, and appointments. The new process under the "note," while more inclusive in this brief window, provides significant and unnecessary hurdles to application and fulfillment under its current implementation. There is no good enough reason or benefit to make a family go without internet through the process of a 7-10 day disconnect, followed by a re-connection of "new" service, followed by equipment procurement and more. You're asking a family to wait for up to 2 weeks or more for something that can take a much shorter time - I know, because I helped push mine through almost immediately. The whole process could be much simpler and more customer friendly - as easy as picking up your new equipment and plugging it in. I was able to streamline the process by personal application of will, but this should not be expected or necessary of a customer under a respectable company.

Additionally, while I was helped numerous times with the ACP process - including being instructed to do it myself by one agent and then having to make a new application with another agent days later once it was approved - I was told by yet another agent just today that my credit had still not been applied to my bill. How, in all of this time and help with the program over the phone, that this just now came up - I don't know. I do thank that man for noticing and informing me in the process of upgrading to Internet Essentials Plus, which you can only upgrade to after applying and being approved for basic Internet Essentials. Everything feels like a hurdle, especially when that customer support bot is your intermediary: It can transfer you between Xfinity and Internet Essentials seamlessly when the two departments do not work together, so you get transferred to another agent or back to the bot menu.

I have time, currently, because my internet has also been cutting in/out - unrelated to all of this. $50 a month for this service was not an option for my family. Our bill is now $0 for the same data plan and additional perks, plus I'll make sure whatever is wrong with our line gets fixed!

For any who don't know, the features of Internet Essentials include:

  • 50/10 Mbps internet service for $9.95 a month plus tax. $29.95 for 100 Mbps Internet Essentials Plus.
  • No activation fees and no equipment rental fees. (which means $30 ACP benefit covers full $29.95 bill of Plus, to equal $0, or you can go with $9.95 and a cheap voice plan.)
  • Option to purchase a computer for $149.99 plus tax.
  • Access to free internet training online, in print and in person.
  • A Wireless Gateway, delivering in-home WiFi at no additional cost.
  • Access to Xfinity WiFi Hotspots.
  • Internet Essentials plans currently not included in 1.2gb data cap plan (No data cap)

In summary, I appreciate these programs and their stated intent, but policy and training changes need to be made if giving aid towards a fundamental part of modern life is a true company goal. I appreciate that the $30 from the ACP straight from the government is probably much appreciated and therefore heavily advertised by Comcast, and to the extent that Xfinity does desire to help people I commend them - but please review your current procedures regarding Internet Essentials applications and the fulfillment of ACP allocations. I hope any of you in need take advantage of these programs while they exist - while qualifications are more open than they have been in the past or may be in the future.



1 Message

3 years ago

How do I get the code so I can get approved for acp for xfinity internet

Official Employee


2K Messages

Greetings, @Bpuckett1967! I hope your week has been treating you well. Thanks so much for taking a moment out of your busy day to leave a post on our community forum about applying for ACP. You have definitely come to the right place for assistance.


You shouldn't need a code in order to get approved for the program, but there are a few steps that need to be taken. I will list them out here, but you can also find all the details online by going to https://comca.st/39aB6uU.



Enrollment process for existing Xfinity customers:


1. Apply for Internet Essentials at https://comca.st/3xLrBN8 or call 855-868-3769


2. Check eligibility for the Affordable Connectivity Program and complete the National Verifier form here: https://comca.st/3MkATn9

3. Complete the Xfinity Affordable Connectivity Program enrollment form to receive your credit using your Xfinity ID (the same one you used to sign in to this Community Forum). For this step, you’ll need the application ID you received from the National Verifier when you were approved. Enrollment website: https://comca.st/3Ow8WdM

4. Make sure the information (name, address and date of birth) submitted on your National Verifier form exactly matches the information submitted on your Xfinity Affordable Connectivity Program enrollment form. This is extremely crucial to avoid errors or unintentional denials.



If you have any questions, or encounter any difficulties along the way, please don't hesitate to reach out to us here for assistance. Our amazing Digital Care Team is always ready to help, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. While we cannot directly submit or access your application from here, due to privacy and security protocols, we can definitely point you in the right direction.

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2 Messages

For an existing customer to apply for Internet Essentials, still first need to completely disconnect one's Xfinity internet service (I know no need to wait for 90 days. )? If yes,  still very inconvenience for no internet, even for a few days

Official Employee


1.5K Messages

Hello @user_3ceda0, we appreciate your interest in our Internet Essentials program. One of the qualifications would be to have no had Comcast Internet for 90 days. You can review the FAQ's (Frequently asked questions) here: https://comca.st/3l66qxw.

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2 Messages

Thank you for reply, Gabby. But as user_a944c6 pointed out in the post, "This requirement is being waived for Xfinity Internet customers who enroll and are approved for the Affordable Connectivity Program, apply to Internet Essentials and are approved by June 30, 2022"

Official Employee


1.5K Messages

If trying to apply for Internet Essentials and the Affordable Connectivity Program, qualifications may be different You can reach out to our Internet Essentials team by calling 1-855-846-8376 to gather more details on your situation or by visiting the website: https://comca.st/3FIoRSi

I am an Official Xfinity Employee.
Official Employees are from multiple teams within Xfinity: CARE, Product, Leadership.
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1 Message

3 years ago

I am on an affordable connectivity program can switch to internet essentials?



31.2K Messages


I am on an affordable connectivity program can switch to internet essentials?

If you're a current internet or internet/cable tv customer, you can't switch to Internet Essentials.  You must not have been a customer for 90 days before you can switch.

I am not a Comcast Employee.
I am a Customer Expert volunteering my time to help other customers here in the Forums.
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