4 Messages
I would like to file a complaint
I was lied to by an agent over text and I have a copy of the transcript. I was dumped over and over on the xfinity assistant chat, and spoke to four different people on the phone. I spent almost two hours this morning between chats and phone calls and spoke to seven different agents before my issue was kinda resolved. I want to know where I go to file a complaint. Thanks.
Official Employee
3.2K Messages
7 days ago
To send a direct message:
Click "Sign In" if necessary
Click the "Direct Message" icon or https://forums.xfinity.com/direct-messaging
Click the "New message" (pen and paper) icon
The "To:" line prompts you to "Type the name of a person". Instead, type "Xfinity Support" there.
As you are typing a drop-down list appears. Select "Xfinity Support" from that list.
A "Xfinity Support" graphic replaces the "To:" line.
Type your message in the text area near the bottom of the window
Press Enter to send it
New Poster
4 Messages
7 days ago
Yeah, me too. Jerked around by multiple support staff, still not resolved. Repeatedly keep trying to add services/charges to my bill that I did not want.