5 Messages
I was told they could not help with my request because my last name was profanity
I discovered that for the last 6 months, I've been incorrectly charged for three cable boxes instead of two. When I asked them to investigate and refund me, they said that they could not proceed with my request because my last name is "profanity."
My last name is something along the lines of Dickinson. Names like Dickinson and Dickerson and Dickson are extremely common. Get a grip, Xfinity, and go back to kindergarten. How UNBELIEVABLY offensive. Time to fix your extreme failure of a system.
Official Employee
1.3K Messages
13 days ago
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5 Messages
13 days ago
Xfinity does NOT, however, seem to have a problem charging my account and taking my money, even though my last name is "profanity."
5 Messages
3 days ago
Shortly after this review was left, I was contacted by someone at Xfinity named Bryson. He told me to contact him with further information. I explained that I only received a partial credit for 6 months in which I was erroneously charged for three boxes, and that I needed the rest of the refund. I also gave him further input on the Xfinity representative that I spoke to previously, who said my last name was profanity. No reply. I have emailed him *directly* THREE TIMES since then and he has not gotten back to me.