Wednesday, September 27th, 2023 2:19 AM


home installation

The only way I seem to be able to get access to scheduling an appointment is via creating a post so that I can have access to direct messaging so I can request an appointment. That is UPSURD. When I try through the chat app, it lets me prompt to "schedule and appointment" but then it's response is to try troubleshooting first. [Edited: "Language/Inflammatory"]. I don't need troubleshooting, my trouble is already known! I need someone to install cable. Even calling, you guys force me to use the app.



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1 year ago


Direct messaging isn't allowed until an official employee asks you to do so; it's against the Forum Guidelines and the Acceptable Use Policy to send anyone an unrequested DM/PM.  Also note, if you do send one without being asked to do so, it could possibly be ignored.
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