Thursday, January 30th, 2025 8:01 PM

Executive Resolutions not answering or call back after leaving message

I received an email from Xfinity mobile (Xfinity_Mobile@comcast.com) and called back multiple times but no one ever answer the call or call back. Does anyone also got this problem?

Dear Customer,


Thank you for contacting our executive office with your questions and concerns. We value your business and would like the opportunity to resolve your issue as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, our attempts to contact you have been unsuccessful. Xfinity Mobile requires to verify the mobile account over the telephone prior to discussing details via email.


Please contact our office, at (844)963-0087 ext. 3052762 at your earliest convenience if we can be of assistance, between the hours of 9:30 am and 6:00 pm EST.




[Edited: "Removed hyperLink"]

Official Employee


1.8K Messages

11 days ago


SFMel We appreciate you reaching out to us over our Community Forums. We would be more than happy to help get you pointed in the right direction. Please provide a summary of your issue, so the Community can have an understanding of your concerns.


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