1 Message
ETF - for contract
I just signed a 2 year contract with Xfinity earlier this week and am now realizing I was charged for local TV at $82 a month when I could just use an antenna and get the local channels. After being a Xfinity customer for over 17 years, I'm irritated that the customer service rep sold me on this and not realizing it was really downgrading my service. Is there a grace period to cancel a contract? If not, there should be?
31.3K Messages
2 months ago
Moved to Customer Service as this is not Guidelines related.
Official Employee
1.6K Messages
2 months ago
Thank you for connecting with us here in our community, @user_9c70hy. We're sorry to hear you are missing your programming. You've reached the right team to help. We'll be happy to get your previous programming back on. Please send us a Direct Message with your full name and address. We look forward to your message.
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