Friday, November 17th, 2023 2:21 AM


Equipment maintenance on easement

Xfinity equipment is in need of repair and replacement in my community. Equipment is leaning, dilapidated, doors hanging open, etc. Xfinity has an easement to use this property. How do I request they come maintain their equipment. 

Official Employee


1.5K Messages

1 year ago

Hey @user_2grrup thanks for taking the time and reaching out about this.  You are able to use the Xfinity Assistant to report damage to equipment. Below are the steps to take, but we are more than happy to assist 1-1 also.  



Please send a direct message by clicking the chat icon in the upper right corner of the page, click on the pen and paper icon, then enter “Xfinity Support” in the “To” section. Please include your name and address, and I'll be happy to help.








How To Report an Issue Online

  1. Visit xfinity.com/xfinityassistant.
    • You can also find Xfinity Assistant by clicking the Chat with Xfinity button in your account.
  2. Type a message to let us know what your issue is.
    • If you need help with one of the following, you'll be directed to the Report an Issue landing page:
      • Missing Payment
      • Misapplied Payment
      • Duplicate Payment
      • Overpayment
      • Refunds
      • Hazardous or Dangerous Wires
    • If you need help with something else, we’ll give you some other self-service options to fix your issue.
  3. Choose the option that best describes your situation.
    Screenshot displaying a list of option selections with radio buttons that best fits your needs. Cancel and Continue buttons on the bottom.

  4. Click Continue.
    • For payment, select the option from the drop-down closest to issue.
      Screenshot with email and phone number fields. There is a drop-down menu to select the issue.

    • For Refunds, select the option from the drop-down closest to issue.
      Screenshot about refunds. The drop-down menu has options on refunds.

    • For hazardous, select the option from the drop-down closest to issue.
      Screenshot of additional information requested. There is a drop-down menu with additional options.

  5. Click Continue.
  6. If you selected payment or refund, follow the remaining prompts to provide additional details related to your issue, including but not limited to dates, method of payment, payment location, payment or refund amount, confirmation numbers, proper name spelling, etc.
  7. Review all your information to make sure it’s accurate. Click Submit when you’re ready.
    Screenshot of the confirm information section. The Submit button is blue, at the bottom and on right.

  8. You’ll see a confirmation page as well as receive a confirmation email.
    Screenshot of the confirmation page with the blue I'm done button at bottom.
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